Friday, August 29, 2008


I was just starting to recover this morning from my post Democratic Convention hang over (I ate 2.5 many cupcakes in a pathetic attempt to savor the sweet taste of victory) when I read that McCain chose Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate. She's about as qualified as I am for high office (OK, she's slightly more qualified in that she is Constitutionally old enough and I am not) except that she has more scandals. But I find it depressing.

I'm scared for the future. Good thing I ate another 1.25 cupcakes for breakfast before I read the news.

Update, 7:23 PM EST: I feel a little bit better about the situation now. I saw her speak, and she was as inspiring as a dead salmon pulled from a river polluted by oil drilling. Further, some of the arguments of her supporters are cracking me up. Someone actually suggested that she has a lot of foreign policy expertise because she shares a border with Canada. Not to dis Canada, which I am sure if a tough negotiator on road access or whatever, but that just makes me laugh. I'm taking a deep breath, and waiting to see what happens.


  1. I am equally terrified, which will lead me to drink copious amounts of alcohol this long holiday weekend as I sit on the shore of Lake Tahoe. Canada is my escape route. I heard they have lawyers there too.

  2. ummm . . . it's better than Romney, right? Right? Please tell me that it's at least better than Romney . . .

  3. I don't think it is better than Romney because there are some women (not sure how many) who decided they will vote for whichever ticket had tits and a vagina on it, regardless of what those tits and vagina would do to their tits and vagina.

    Monkeygirl, I soooo wish that I drank. Eating cupcakes is not nearly as effective.

  4. i want a cupcake.
    and a drink!

  5. Actually, it's brilliant! It's so transparent, it's ridiculous, and he didn't even pick someone competent, so it's even better! It would have been better strategy to pick Hillary! (They're supposedly good friends.)

  6. I've been horrified by the number of people they are interviewing on the news that think she's a good choice.

  7. Why are you all horrified?! She has more experience than Obama... compare resumes side by side and his is the most transparent of anyone who has ever run for the highest office in the land and she is only seeking the number 2 role. Being President does not provide on the job training!! And do not insult ALL women by thinking we will only vote for tits and vaginas - please have more decency and class than that.

  8. Kim, don't insult my intelligence by saying that she is more qualified than Obama. That is ludicrous and far more insulting than my crass language about hooters and holes. I have a Masters in Public Administration from Columbia University, and a comprehensive understanding of the different roles and responsibilities of government. Her so-called "executive experience" is comparable to George W. Bush - except that she has less experience. And we all see how well that turned out.
