Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Adoration and Resignation

Unexpectedly, I have an additional 35 hours a week that are now free since I left my job this week. (it wasn't a good fit for a variety of reasons.) The good news is that I already have an interview elsewhere on Monday, and I can use the time to fawn over photos of my nephew* now that I found our camera.

Here I am, the proud but exhausted tante (I only had a few hours of sleep the prior night), holding my nephew with the excited father behind me:

The happy grandparents holding their progeny's offspring:

Since Marcus was not due until June 9, my sister's co-workers had planned to hold a baby shower for her on May 16. Now Marcus will be the guest of honor! I already bought a plane ticket for the event, so I am pleased that I will get to see everyone again in less than two weeks. Of course, that assumes that I survive the four hour car ride from Chicago to Iowa with my parents and Bubbe. I think Bubbe will be on her best behavior, though, since my sister's friend will also be in the car with us.


  1. He's a handsome lad (I'm speaking of the one without a beard) - and being held by a proud gleaming aunt.

  2. yay! i'm glad you're coming back so soon.
    and good on ya for being so employable.

  3. Many congratulations to your family, he looks adorable!
