Tuesday, October 6, 2009


To prepare for my appearance on Seven Second Delay tomorrow, I thought it wise to review my last "Off the Beaten(Subway) Track" presentation. I put together a little slide show on subway road trips in general and some sites that are found along the A train. To my enormous horror, I discovered that I say "um" approximately every four seconds. (If you can stand it, see for yourself below. Between "ums", there is actually some intelligent humor.)

"Off the Beaten (Subway) Track" at Adult Education (June 2, 2009) from OTBST on Vimeo.

I always thought I was a good public speaker, but if everything sounds like that little talk, eek! If I can't get around saying "um," maybe I should try saying "ohm." At least that way I'll get some meditative benefits. Oy vey.


  1. Leaning Tower in Niles! xoxoxox! You took swim lessons there???????????? damn I didn't know that.

  2. Suzanne,
    You are right. You are a good public speaker. I had never heard your voice before I saw the video. You have a great voice.
    Thanks for sharing. The oms are not that noticeable, unless a person focuses on them.

    A small correction: the second step in becoming a saint is pronounced Bee-at-if-ick-ation.
    Thanks for the humor.
    Midwestern Tom

  3. Denise - Oh, how I love the Leaning Tower Y! I was two and did the Mommy and me swimming program. However, I did not actually manage to learn how to swim until I was in 3rd grade. This is more a reflection on me than the quality of the Y. I do not like putting my face in water.

    Thanks, Tom, for the correction. This is very good to know for future talks. And in general. :)

  4. 7SD itself, can be hit or miss.
    Of course Ken in his morning show this morning said that the last couple shows at UCB theater were good. No pressure... ;-)

  5. You are going to do great. And have a lot of fun. I love that this is spreading the word about WFMU because it's a great station.

  6. OH, btw, your link to 7SD is linked to your own blog. Kinda like caught in this weird warp. Or like Groundhog day.

  7. Ooops - fixed that now. It turns out I set is up for a link, then forgot to paste it in, so I guess blogger defaults to the link of the post. Interesting...
