Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Haircut Double Entendre

I never thought about haircuts as anything but the things I get every two months that make me look extra dyke-y (or, when done well, like Jane Wiedlin). On Monday, I wrote about the latest brouhaha over women who get short haircuts on BlogHer. (It seems that some guy in London whose wife cut her hair short sparked a debate over whether that women with short hair are signaling that they are no longer interested in sex because they are making themselves unattractive through their new haircuts.) Then yesterday I learned that there is something called a haircut in the securities market.

My new favorite online dictionary,* Investopedia, explains that a haircut is:

1. The difference between prices at which a market maker can buy and sell a security.

2. The percentage by which an asset's market value is reduced for the purpose of calculating capital requirement, margin and collateral levels.

One could extrapolate and say that a man whose wife cuts her hair short has a reduced market value in the eyes of society, but that would be silly, wouldn't it?

*I still do love Urban Dictionary for all my slang research, though. It seems that a third definition of haircut there is:

a drinking act involving:
- two people
- alchohol
- energy drink or gatorade

one person tilts their head back and closes their throat. the other person then pours small amount of energy drink, large amount of alchohol, and small amount of energy drink in that order. the drinker then tilts their head up and swallows the drink simultaneously. this is done for two reasons: you dont feel it going down no matter the alchohol percent and it gets you very drunk very fast.

Now I feel complete before I go to off to work, which this post is making me late to. Hope it added to the educational value of your day as well.


  1. I didn't know this investopedia existed. I'm totally going to check that out.
    Also, that London man sounds like he might be a douche.

  2. What if you had a short haircut long before you ever had kids? Let's say you cut your hair short because you moved to the humid midwest where you wore it up in a clip all summer and under a hat all winter?

  3. Are men signaling that they're no longer interested in sex by becoming lazy and fat?

    I think (for me, at least) it's a maintenance thing. I don't want to spend more than two minutes in front of the mirror, so no matter the length of my hair, I'm not going to do much [anything] with it. Sex is an entirely different story, and I don't know many men who will refuse sex, regardless of the hair length of their partner.

  4. Did I miss some reference to having kids in this short haircut debate? What does having short hair before or after having kids have to do with anything?

  5. If you had short hair, then had kids, then you must've had sex. That's the link.

    And I can't stop cracking up over the becoming fat and lazy connection. Good one! I wonder if the douche in London who started this whole debate meets that description...

  6. I keep forgetting how un-sexy people like Hallie Berry are . . .

  7. i'm a white dude that gets his haircut in a hair-salon that caters exclusively to black-women. why? it's in my building. they don't charge me (a student cuts my hair). i fantasize that they call me token as soon as i leave. also, i like asking for my hair "soft".
