Saturday, November 21, 2009

What We Saw at a Bus Stop in the West Village

Warning: This is likely the most disgusting thing I've ever posted on CUSS...

As Steph and I strolled through the West Village this afternoon, she pointed out all the things that had changed since she moved. One of new arrivals is fancy bus shelters. We walked up to a glass and metal bus structure, and Steph gasped.

"Do you see what I see next to the bench?"

"Um, yes. Yes, I do."

"That's a dildo."

"With shit caked on it, yes."


  1. I'm so glad that my eagle-eye for all things foul and gross was able to provide you with such a fabulous photo opportunity:)

  2. Yes, I am very fortunate to have you. Plus, you convinced me to post the picture on the blog when I demurred, so the internets are lucky, too!

  3. Oh, I don't recall having anything to do with convincing you to put it on your blog. I remember you being excited about doing it.
