Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Census is Coming! The Census is Coming!

A white envelope waited for me when I checked the mail last night. In huge letters it said, "United States Census 2010." Excitement surged through my veins. Ooooh! The Census! Not only do I love filling out questionnaires (seriously), but I love helping New York get its fair share of resources.

I ran back into the apartment. "We got the Census form!" I told Husband, waving the slim envelope triumphantly in the air.

"Are you sure? It could just be a letter telling us that the Census is coming."

"Oh." Suddenly the tiny envelope made more sense. I ripped it open. It was a letter. In bold letters, it said, "About one week from now, you will receive a 2010 Census form in the mail."

Fine. I got all excited again. "The Census is coming! The Census is coming!"

I sort of hope that my enthusiasm for the Census will not be matched by people who live in states that don't believe in government services or civil liberties. I don't want them getting their fair share of representation if they are going to use it to deprive me of my fair share of rights. I'm just sayin'....


  1. I always get excited about filling out my census form, too. Unfortunately, I live in one of those states you mentioned.

  2. Well, crap. Are you serious? It's the Paul Revere Of The Census? I was mildly excited that perhaps there was a Short Form or something, like you can file either a 1040 or the 1040EZ for your taxes, you know? I didn't even open my skinny letter because I thought it was just THE CENSUS. I thought we were blessed by The Short Form and we could just answer a couple questions like, how many people live in your house? Are you Married or Single? Stuff like that. Sigh.

  3. I hope that both of you fill out your Census forms. :) I think when mine finally arrives next week, it will be by land, not sea. I'll let you know, though.

  4. i got my pre-census letter yesterday too. that reminds me i need to check the mail. it's weird because it's not by my apartment door anymore, so i kinda forget some day.s

  5. How funny, I did the same thing. (Albeit in my head, to myself.) I can't believe they sent us a letter to tell us they're going to send us a letter. lol

  6. I did the same husband dropped the mail on the counter saying, "Your census form is here!" and I was so excited until I realized it was just a 'save the date' type of mailing. What a waste of trees...


    Sometimes I think you are my long lost sister....hey my father got around...and he's from NY...tee hee....just sayin'
