Sunday, April 15, 2007

Polyagomy=A Nor'eater on a Sunday in April, Polyamory=A Day of Sun on a Saturday in April

No doubt about it, yesterday was the calm before the storm. Husband and I decided to take advantage of the weak, but still warm sunlight and walk from our apartment to the show we had tickets to see, a tribute to Hall & Oates. A mile into the walk, he realized that he forgot the tickets, so we had to turn around and go home. It could have been worse, of course. Imagine how annoying it would have been if we walked three miles and were almost there, then had to take a cab home and back. At any rate, since he discovered it early on, we were able to get home, take the subway part way there, and then walk from a closer point. It was a nice walk, and the show was seriously rocking. Hall & Oates were quite the prolific little duo.

All the warm weather and wandering around made me start thinking of India (well, everything makes me think of India) and women’s rights, and the hamster on the wheel that powers my brain got a good run going, which eventually somehow led me to polygamy and marriage. (Actually, it is not a difficult connection. Many of the Mughal emperors in India had multiple wives, and we were always hearing about this wife’s palace and that wife’s palace, and blah blah blah.) I hate polygamy. It’s not that I feel that being married to one person is inherently right, but as polygamy seems to be primarily practiced in patriarchal societies, women are utterly screwed by it, literally and figuratively. It’s not just that men get to screw more than one person whereas women are tied down to one guy. It is also that they just bring people into women’s lives without any input from them, and it often has serious implications for women who are already doing an insane amount of backbreaking labor.

However, if women had equal freedom under polygamous relationships to go out, take husbands as they wish, and generally live lives as independently as men did, I’d really have no problem with it. Hence, polyamory makes a lot of sense to me. I don’t think that marriage inherently has to be one-man-one-woman, or one-woman-one-women, or one-man-one-man. People should be free to form meaningful relationships as makes sense for them. That said, I am a bitter and jealous bitch and can be rather sensitive due to my insecurities, so I can guarantee that I would not function well under that system. But if other people don’t find their dark sides to be barriers, all the more power to them.


  1. I don't think that system could work for me either, because if I found someone I really cared about, I would freak out at the thought of other "escapades" that person is enjoying without me.

  2. Yeah, it wouldn't work for me either.
