Friday, February 20, 2009

Carb Cravings

Until this week, I never lusted after a granola bar. Last night, I dreamed that I drank half of a glass of apple juice before realizing that it was not part of the South Beach Diet; I don't even like apple juice. (Later in the dream it dawned on the that the gallon of vanilla ice cream that I ate before freaking out about the juice was also verboten.) I might kill someone for a bite of a cookie. (Could I use the South Beach Diet Defense in court? "My restrictive diet made me do it, your Honor!")

The first phase of South Beach is the most restrictive because carb cravings generally come from eating carbs. In theory, if you only eat good ones (i.e. - vegetables) for a few weeks, then your body will no longer miss the baddies like granola bars. Clearly, I am driven by psychological and emotional food cravings. Or, the problem might be that I used too much artificial sweetener, which is allowed on the diet. It turns out that the latest research shows that the body produces insulin whenever someone consumes artificial sweetener as if the person ate regular sugar.

On the other hand, once I found out about the Equal/Sweet n Low/Splenda problem and smacked my head and sighed dramatically multiple times, I cut down the amount I used to two packets and tried to drink less than 12 ounces of diet pop a day. That's when the cravings intensified. Craziness.


  1. i am a complete carb addict.
    that's why i don't think i could ever do the specific carb diet, which is supposedly a 'cure' to my medical condition.

  2. I can see that we are going to have an extra fun time at BlogHer...

  3. I promise promise promise it will get better if you stick with it. South Beach really does kill the cravings.

    My most recent joy is edamame, and for some reason I feel like that might help you. It's a good snack, and the frozen is even pretty good. Also, low-fat cheese sticks. And raw nuts.

  4. Thanks Liz. I did edamame on Wed. night with dinner, and it was good. I eat enormous numbers of string cheese and raw almonds. I still want that freaking granola bar! It is absolutely emotional cravings, which is why it isn't going away. Otherwise, I think I did pretty well in Phase I. Tomorrow will mark two weeks, and tonight I may have eaten something with a forbidden sauce, but it's the first slip up that I know of.

  5. mmmm, forbidden sauce.
    just you wait for blogher. there better not be any bakeries within smelling distance.
    and my word verification is swear
