Saturday, March 7, 2009

Congratulations, You're a Book Winner Now!

Last year, Alex Elliot and I thought that the world needed an anthology of first period stories. We asked the blogosphere for submissions at Congratulations, You're a Woman Now!, and 38 women and one man heeded our call. The stories are all fantastic - Alex and I laughed, we cried, and, we checked the backs of our pants for leaks, and we doubled over in sympathetic cramps. We thought we'd be able to select a group of authors in December and reach out to publishers with the project in January. We were stupid.

In the meantime, Rachel Kauder Nalebuff, a highly achieving 18 year old feminist, just presented her anthology of period stories,My Little Red Book to the world. It is a wonderful collection of short essays in which women of all ages from around the world reflect on their periods. Profits go to awesome charities supporting women globally. I was psyched that some publisher took on the book and that it would be doing good work in addition to getting women to share, but also sighed a lot. Sigh.

I had the chance to interview Rachel for BlogHer. She's just an awesome woman, and her book team rocks the house, too. In fact, they are offering copies of books to women who blog about their first period! Anyone who is interested in a copy can enter the contest by posting her essay, then linking to it in the comments of at my BlogHer post. I am beyond mortified that no one has yet done so, and I know that CUSS readers are brilliant, intrepid, and funny writers with great stories to share who also love free books. (Hint, hint....)

Stories should be posted by Friday, March 13 (somehow, Friday the 13th seemed like an appropriate deadline for stories about first periods). Spread the word...


  1. I knew that CUSS readers could be counted on for free stuff!!! Ha ha ha. Seriously, though, thanks!

  2. Sadly, I don't really have a story about my first period. I totally don't really remember! I only remember being annoyed. LOL

    It's a great topic though.

  3. I don't remember my first period. Not at all, or I would have sent my story to you when you asked for Congratulations stories. I did consider making one up. ;) But thought better of it. It probably doesn't count as a story to make a post saying "I don't remember my first period. Can I have the free book now?"

  4. Hey Anna, I think that your honest reply should count, and that not remembering one's first period says a lot in a different way. If you could just post your comment over at BlogHer, you'll be officially entered.

  5. Shee-it, I missed this. My first period story isn't as funny as the one I submitted to you guys.

    Still hoping you can make it happen!

  6. Hmmm.. There weren't many entrants, so just email me your address and I'll get you all a copy. :)
