Saturday, March 21, 2009

There's a Sea Monster in My Sink! Eeeeek!

Husband and I went shopping for new fixtures for our bathroom today, and I had to share this:

(Apologies for the poor quality of the picture.) This is a sea monster sink. On one hand, it is the coolest sink ever. I cannot stop laughing. On the other hand, seriously - it is a faucet shaped like a giant fish with little critter handles. People pay money for this not as a joke? I mean, I would totally love this sink, but only so I could tell guests to use my sea monster sink because it would be so hilarious, and because I love sea monsters, as one of my first blog posts attested. But seriously!


  1. dude, that's awesome!
    i wrote a paper in my grad school art history class on hippocamps on stelai

  2. I would buy that in a heartbeat. It's exactly the type of weird thing I'm always looking for when it comes to home decor.

    In related news, I'm still planning on putting a T-Rex trophy head above my fireplace someday...

  3. That would freak me out! And get toothpaste in the cracks.
