Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Early Baby Catches the Worm?

My sister woke up this morning in a pool of amniotic fluid. The baby was not due until June 9th, so she was worried. At the hospital, they assured her that things looked fine, but that she'd be having her son much sooner than predicted.

At 9:18 CST, Marcus arrived, healthy, and my father insists, handsome. He's 5 Lbs, 2 oz. Not sure how long he is, though. My sister was 9.5 lbs when she was born, so I think Marcus was very considerate in deciding to pop out sooner rather than later!

Husband and I are heading out on Friday. I can't wait to meet the little guy! Photos to follow!!!


  1. Oh my goodness gracious, congratulations on becoming an auntie!

  2. I'm glad everyone is doing well. 5lbs is a nice little baby.

  3. Oh My Goodness! Congrats on the new addition to the family! You must be so excited Auntie Suzanne! All the best to your sister and the rest of the family! YAY!

  4. yay for dana! glad that he was barely 6 weeks early & healthy!

  5. Congratulations, Auntie!
    Glad the little dude is healthy!

  6. Marcus is 18 3/4 inches long.
