Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter in the Embroidery Capital of the World

This afternoon, Husband and I joined some lovely friends from my writing program for Easter brunch at another friend's apartment in New Jersey. Everything was delicious, and of course, I ate too much. In particular, I loved the biscuits that one woman made.

"Hey Sara, how'd you get your biscuits to be so sweet?" I asked her, then laughed maniacally in my head because, thanks to my granny, I can't say the word biscuit with a straight face. Granny's euphemism for the vaginal area was butter biscuit. So, for example, when I was a wee lass and went to the bathroom, she'd ask me if I wiped my butter biscuit before I got off the toilet. Oy. (For the record, the brunch biscuits were made with honey butter. Mmmmm...)

We departed from the brunch festivities a bit early to go to Ikea. Our living room has been deprived of a couch since Tuesday, which is the only night residents in our building are allowed to dispose of furniture. For $150, Husband and I picked up a cute little couch that flips out into a bed for overnight guests. We had to fight the crowds of Southeast Asians, Asians, and Hasidic Jews to check out. (I swear I saw my super a few check out lanes over, but that's another story.) Now I know who shops at Ikea on Easter Sunday.

Sofa safely tucked into the hatchback of Fred the Red, our PT Cruiser, Husband and I headed back home from Jersey via the Lincoln Tunnel. As we passed under a bridge, I saw one of my favorite signs: "Welcome to North New Jersey, Embroidery Capital of the World Since 1872." Something to brag about, indeed.

Hope that everyone is having a Happy Resurrection Day!


  1. Thanks. I was resurrected by a half carton of Haagen Dazs Fleur de Sel Caramel ice cream and some Cafe La Llave.

  2. Glad you liked my buttery biscuit. ;)

  3. LOL... butter biscuit...
    Damn, I hate going to Ikea. I wish you could have picked up a hinge I need...
    So, fyi, if you are in the area and want to even do a drive by wave and see me, you are welcome to!

  4. Your new couch-bed looks fab and I can't wait to test it out! ;-)

  5. Ha! I love the embroidery capital sign. That always cracks me up before I face the frustrations of stand-still traffic on the way into the tunnel.
