Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Case Histories

A few years ago, I read and fell in love with "Case Histories" by Kate
Atkinson. I thought everything about it was brilliant. The language
and word choices are sublime, the characters are well-drawn, and the
book is full of wonderful observations about life. It's also a book
about the relationships between fathers and daughters. Every time I
read it, I am delighted. It's one of those books I don't want to end
because I love being part of its world.

When the sequel came out, I was excited. But months passed and I
never got past looking at the cover. The next sequel came out. I read
reviews of it and thought about how I should read the middle book.
Then I did nothing.

Today I realized that I love "Case Histories" so much that I was
afraid to read the follow up books, even though I wanted to know what
Jackson Brodie was up to. What if the sequels were not as good as the
original? I didn't want to be let down. My cousin told me that my
fear was irrational and I should read the books.

After my contact lens fitting (yesterday I wasd told that the vision
in my left eye is blurry because I have astigmatism, so I went to get
new lenses, but the lens doctor said that the cause was that my
prescription is too weak, not astigmatism, so she upped it a bit and I
now see fine), I stopped at a used bookstore. I took a deep breath
and headed to the fiction aisle. I risked my life on a rickety step
ladder to pull "One Good Turn" down from a high shelf. I'm excited to
begin reading it as soon as I finish re-reading "case histories."

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1 comment:

  1. I have never read this before. It sounds interesting. I am already addicted to Literary Mama and Calyx.
