Monday, August 24, 2009


The fifteen second Facebook Meyers-Briggs personality test classified me as an ENTJ. ENTJ stands for extraversion, intuition, thinking, and judgment. Normally I am skeptical about personality tests in general, and even more so about ones that take less than a minute to complete, but I've taken longer versions of Meyers-Briggs at leadership conferences, and I always come out an ENTJ.

What does it mean to be an ENTJ? The Facebook fifteen second explanation says:
You are frank, decisive, and assume leadership readily. You quickly see illogical and inefficient procedures and policies, and develop and implement comprehensive systems to solve organizational problems. You enjoy long-term planning and goal setting. You are usually well informed, well read, enjoy expanding your knowledge and passing it on to others. You are forceful in presenting your ideas
I agree that describes me well, particularly that last line, not the the title of this blog would illustrate that point or anything. There's a much longer explanation on the Personality Page (along with a longer quiz, I think). My favorite line from that is, "ENTJs want their home to be beautiful, well-furnished, and efficiently run." Ha ha ha! If "beautiful" and "well-furnished" means crammed with random used furniture, some of which was scavenged from trash, then certainly that is true, too. (Part of what freaks me out about the renovation that might one day finish if I am lucky is that it made the apartment too nice - I feel like I don't belong here.)

Anyway, an ENTJ is basically a pushy person with strong opinions who values planning and success, hates wastefulness, and tries to hide a sentimental streak as wide as the Mississippi River. (Not the Mississippi up north where it's narrow, either.) Yeah. How about youse?


  1. OMG that cracked me up Suzanne. Having taken way too many of the ole Meyers-Briggs and having always fought my ENTJ....I now embrace it.

    Now finding out that you are the same I feel I am in good company.

    Your fellow Misanthropic.

  2. isfj: You are quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. You are committed and steady in meeting your obligations. You are thorough, painstaking, and accurate. You are loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to you, and concerned with how others feel. You strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home.
    from the quickie fb quiz.

  3. Why fight the ENTJ? That's interesting. While I value the other personalities (like ISFjs), I always loved being an ENTJ. I guess that's because I'm pushy. Although oddly enough, I don't like confrontation. But that's another story.

  4. hey, i wouldn't mind having a little entj in me and not be a total pushover.

  5. I'm actually a push over about a lot of things except for my opinions. I am open to hearing new facts and evidence, but it definitely takes a lot to convince me to change my mind. Yet I'm not good at things which require telling people bad news (like mentioning to the contractor that I think some of his lackey's work was sloppy and lame - I finally mentioned it in an email) or refusing to pay for bad service or things like that.

  6. I fought it becaues in the beginning in my 20's (millions and millions of years ago) it was explained to me as a difficult person to work with. I now know that to not be true. I am opinionated and but I am also open minded. I am never pushy but because I am strong in conviction people assume that to be pushy. If I were a man - they would make me King......tee hee

  7. Being an ENTJ female ROCKS! We get what we want when we want and we can pretty much accomplish anything we put our incredible minds to!!
    Love it and live it sister!
    Check out the yahoo group "ENTJ females" ---
