Sunday, August 2, 2009

How 'bout some laundry with that soap?

I was unable to exact vengeance on Husband's laundry for his wish that
I am less petty. With my consent, he fired up the intentionally small
inaugural load (mostly my stuff) while I was out with my cousin
enjoying the first sunny, mild day NYC has seen in weeks. When I
arrived home, I discovered that Husband not only used five time the
amount of necessary detergent, but that he put it in the fabric
softener slot.

We ran the machine for about six hours to clear out the suds.

Sent from my mobile device



  1. uh-oh! new technology is like that. i still enjoy retelling my parents' story of their first microwave. they put the microwavable hashbrowns in, on a paper plate, and accidentally entered 10 minutes instead of one. the hashbrowns and the plate started on fire.

  2. 1. Husband was likely wishing you were less petty because
    a) You asked and
    b) It was funny to say yes immediately.

    And as far as soap goes, now you know the machine is really, really clean.
