Monday, January 11, 2010

Bobblehead Suzanne: Online or On TV...

I wish that I didn't nod nervously throughout my interview with the wonderful AnneLise Sorensen, but I am glad that I didn't look like a zombie:

View more news videos at:

Thanks again to AnneLise for having me on her show!


  1. I'm glad they made it embeddable. I wish more local stations would do that. You did a great job, and so cute too. :-) I posted it at my blog.

  2. Oh, that was great! You came off really well. I hope it sells some books!

  3. Awesome coverage Suzanne. Saw this for sale at SF BlogHer so perhaps overdue coverage..but awesome none the happy for you. :) Am so interested now simply for having navigated a few cities since then. :) Your passion for your community is inspiring.

  4. Thanks! It was just a positive experience in every way, so I'm glowing right now.
