Saturday, January 16, 2010

Report from the Homestead

Because I worried about my grandma when I saw her at the end of
November, Husband and I headed to Chicago for the weekend. Things are
not so good.

Upon landing I learned that Granny went to the ER earlier that
morning. She had woken up in a cold sweat with aches at 4 am. My mom
went to her house and called an ambulence. The EMTs thought it was
the flu.

At the ER, they decided to admit her for observation, although they
ruled out the flu. Blood work indicated that she may have had a small
heart attack. She's going to get an angiogram on Monday, but
hopefully we'll know more tomorrow.

Since our original plan to belatedly celebrate my mom's birthday at
Red Lobster was scrapped, we had a little cake from the grocery store
at home instead. This could have sent my 8 month old nephew to the
hospital, as my bubbe tried to give him a piece of cake. Seriously.

When my sister all but slapped it out of her hand, Bubbe pouted and
told her it was OK because she was just giving him crumbs, as if
infants should eat cake and sugary frosting and my sister was
depriving him. Then she winked at me.

On a more uplifting note, we did have a hearty laugh when my
brother-in-law mentioned that Marcus is already 8 months old, but
lacking a job. "He needs to do some hard labor to earn his keep,"
Ryan said.

"He does hard labor," my mom said. "He works really hard when he
makes a doody!" Marcus, who sat in my dad's lap during the discussion,
banged happily on the table in approval.

Sent from my mobile device



  1. I'm so sorry to hear things are not so good. But, I am looking forward to breakfast this morning!

  2. I hope your grandmother gets better and everything is ok.

  3. glad marcus is doing well. he looked good when i saw him earlier this week. and glad bubbe is feisty as ever.
    hope your granny gets on the mend as soon as they figure out what's going on.
