Friday, February 5, 2010

I Married a Lunatic, Part 79

At lights out, I wished Husband a good night.

"I am concentrating now so I can dream about walruses," he replied.

"What? Really?"

"Yes, I want to know more about walruses, and the best way to understand large animals is to study them closely in your dreams."

A few nights before this, he explained to me that some unicorns are ugly. The public just doesn't know about them.


  1. This kind of story exemplifies why I often think about and miss you guys.

  2. hmmm, will he be in town for blogher this year? i can't wait to meet him properly, rather than the wave from the kitchen in his gym clothes. :)
    (and my word verification is: unholia)

  3. Does he know that unicorns are actually blood-thirsty killers? It's true. I read a book about it. ;)

  4. We miss you, too, Rebecca!

    Mar, unfortunately, he'll be in upstate NY while BlogHer is happening. :( But I'm glad that you are still aiming to attend!

    Sassymonkey, if he does not already know this, he would not be surprised. He explained all about how some unicorns have nice shiny coats and others are mangy.

  5. Echoing Sassymonkey. Your husband is right about unicorns. I've read the book. The thing about Walruses though - he's just odd. Nice guy, but still odd.
