Wednesday, February 17, 2010

When Worlds Collide

When I moved to New York City from the 'burbs of Chicago 15 years ago, one of the biggest adjustments I had to make was the lack of Walgreen's. NYC had plenty of pharmacies/drug store chains to choose from - Duane Reade (as ubiquitous in NYC as Walgreen's is in Chicago), CVS, Rite Aid, the one that was on 8th Street between Broadway and University whose name I am blanking on but that no longer exists, etc. - but I thought Walgreen's had a better variety of random products than any of them. Whenever I went out to Long Island, I rejoiced in the Walgreen's near the train station that served Husband's parents' town.

Over time, however, I adjusted. Duane Reade, still annoying in general, spruced itself up a bit as it expanded its presence. (At one point, it seemed like the only commercial space left in the City would be bank branches, Starbuckses, and Duane Reades.) I adapted to its overpriced merchandise, surly cashiers, and long lines. They introduced a card in which you got points for every dollar you spent, and they rounded up, which made me feel a bit better about paying $2 for a Diet Coke that the corner bodega might sell for between $1.25 (if I'm lucky) and $1.75. Once you get a $100, you get $5 off your next purchase. I love bribes.

So, when I got Husband's email this morning that informed me that Walgreen's acquired Duane Reade, I was shocked. Even more shocked than by the fact that the New York Times finally posted what was rumored to be such a scandalous story about Gov. Patterson that he'd immediately be forced to resign and it turned out to be boring. I mean, Walgreen's taking over Duane Reade? This is craziness! I can't decide if I am excited or horrified.

For now, Walgreen's is keeping the Duane Reade name, but it will be really weird if they replace it and there's no more Duane Reade in NYC. I wonder if this is revenge for Macy's buying Marshall Field's and then changing the name, an affront to the civic pride and identities of Chicagoans everywhere. Huh. Maybe I've uncovered a diabolical plot. Now that Duane Reade is threatened, I feel very defensive of it, even though I fucking hate that store (other than the bribes). Interesting.


  1. Out here, Longs and CVS had sucked up all other pharmacies. The about a year ago, CVS sucked up Longs. This pissed me off because Longs was clean and tidy and had interesting snacks, while CVS was messy and had surly help.

    Thankfully they have kind of split the difference. The new CVS staff seems a little better and more organized.

  2. I was very impressed with Long's when I first encountered them in Hawaii. I'm sorry to hear that CVS sucked them up. CVS is awful out here, too.

  3. Don't you mean Genovese? It was actually on 8th between 5th and University.

  4. Yes, Genovese! That's what I meant. I also meant between 5th and University, not Bway. Yeah.

  5. Walgreen's has the best tchotchkes for Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas,etc. Remember the Valentine handcuffs I sent you??!!
    Many other goodies for your goody boxes came from the big W.
