Thursday, March 13, 2008

Come for the Reservation, Stay for the Food

Although Husband and I are fortunate to have a very nice life thanks to Husband's chosen profession (which he adores), it's the little things that remind me that I will never truly "make it." While I was eating my microwave breakfast burrito, I noticed a blurb on the front of yesterday's New York Times Dining Out section. It read, "The selling of reservations irks restaurants."

For a second, I stared blankly. What the hell did that mean? Then I realized that it meant that people who scored reservations at choice, top rated restaurants actually find others willing to pay good money to buy their reservation and go eat an expensive, albeit probably excellent, meal.

Shit. I barely ever go to places that require reservations, and only call in advance if I am going out with a large group of family and/or friends. I've never wanted to go somewhere that requires me to call, months in advance, a phone number that will be busy all day. I like good food fine enough, but hand me a plate of mac and cheese, and I'm just as happy. People are weird.


  1. I could not imagine going to an establishment that I will likely drop $200 - $300 a meal and having to pay top dollar for the actual reservation.

  2. That's nuts!!! I couldn't get reservations at the Melting Pot when it first opened by us, but I just waited a couple a months and then it wasn't a problem. I will make reservations if hubby and I have a date night because it's rare that we get a sitter and go out and I want to make sure we can eat where we want, but there's no way I would pay for it.

  3. After reading both of these excellent comments, something pathetic dawned on me: I would totally pay for someone's table at the Cheesecake Factory. That place is so good, and it's always a gazillion hour wait.

  4. Ya know, I've been to one or two expensive places, and it was an almost orgasm inducing experience. I'd say it's worth it occasionally.

  5. Oh, you lowbrow faker. You totally enjoyed your meal at Le Bernadin, and I bet anything you had a reservation for that. Plus we had reservations at E+0 but that's partly because there are so few good restaurants in London that to eat in one between the hours of 7 and 9 you need a res. That said, I look forward to eating yummy salt beef beigles with you on Friday, and how more low brow do you get than licking beef grease and spicy mustard off your fingers on the dodgy end of Brick Lane?
