Friday, March 14, 2008

This Just In: Nothing to Report

I thought I'd wait before I blogged today to see if I had any school news. Two of my friends were admitted into the nonfiction writing program (one got a call from the program director waaaaaay back on Feb. 25, the other got a big welcome packet in the mail this past Wednesday), but I have heard bupkes. I've been assuming I'm not in anywhere (I also applied to Hunter College, which called people on Feb. 25), but hoped to find out fer shure, dude, before I took a week to gallivant with my sister and brother-in-law.

My rule of thumb is not to call admissions offices and pester people, as they have a zillion things to do, but since it would suck for poor Husband if he had to call me and tell me about rejections while I am gone, I decided to be proactive. I rang the New School, where the very nice woman told me no decision had been made on my application yet. She said that everything will be finished up next week. Oh well.

Other things that are on my mind:

Good: Girl Scout Cookies. I just picked up a box each of Samoas and Tag Alongs (as they are known in Chicago; in NYC, they call 'em "Caramel deLites" and Peanut Butter Patties). Yum.
Bad: Caramel de"Lites" my ass. Two cookies have 7 grams of fat and 140 calories. Of course I ate three of them, and topped my indulgence off with two of the chocolate peanut butter ones (8 grams of fat, 150 calories). Pants are tight....

Good: Barack Obama's mom, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro. I read an article in today's New York TImes about her that made me cry. She sounded like an utterly amazing, fantastic, wonderful, cool person.
Bad: She's not running for president. (In fact, she sadly died of ovarian cancer when she was only 53.)

Just thought I'd share.


  1. i've been trying to figure out for years what the heck tagalongs are! i sold gs cookies when i was a tot & they were caramel delites in north dakota. the best ones are the peppermint ones. straight from the freezer. that's tastiness right there!
    sorry 'bout the non-decision on grad school before your trip. but think how great london will be! springy & flowery (tons of daffodils all over the frickin' place, especially st james park by b. palace)

  2. I never realized the girls scout cookies had different names. I never bought them in NYC but I remembered that I loved Samoas. Then in NC I saw the different names and was confused by the pictures that I knew.

  3. Interesting that ND uses the same cookie distributer as NY, but not IL, which seems more likely. I guess CA is also a Samoa place. Fascinating.

    Glad to hear the weather was nice when you were across the pond, Mar. I hear it is very damp and semi-chilly there now. Oh well. Dana and I shall have a most jolly time. So excited!

    Welcome back, Des! I missed you.

  4. No, we have Caramel Delites, now (which have milk chocolate instead of dark). I've finished my box of those and of Peanut Butter Patties. I still have Thin Mints.

    And as for the writing program - that's not a no. I've still got my fingers crossed.

  5. I thought they changed the names of the cookies a while ago. I totally don't understand girl scout cookies. A couple years ago I bought Carmel Delites from two different girl scouts who were in two different troops. The cookies tasted different. I happened to mention it to a mom I know who's a lifelong girl scout and very involved and she said it's because it's two different companies and they get complaints all the time about the cookies tasting different. Somehow girl scouts always reminds me of Lisa G.! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  6. Thanks for your positive thoughts, Count Mockula and Alex.

    Back to the cookies, I find that the Samoas and the Caramel DeLites taste pretty much the same, which is addictively yummy. Danger.

  7. last time i got GS cookies 2 yrs ago in connecticut, they were samoas and tag alongs. weird.
    good luck w/ your apps. it sucks to have to wait.
