Saturday, December 20, 2008

Corrupt Corruption

In the last few years, every time Husband went to an investor meeting for some company in which his firm invested, he came home with generous goodie bags with things like gift certificates to move theaters and restaurants, North Face jackets, fancy chaise chairs for picnics, and large canvas bags perfect as beach totes. Back when the iPod Shuffle was a shiny new invention, Husband received one as a hand out, which he gave to me. I've used it at the gym ever since.

Not long after I loaded my little music machine up with quality hits from Madonna, the Beatles, Bon Jovi, Dido, and Christina Aguillera, I found that I could not sync it again. A little message flashed on screen saying that my Shuffle was "corrupt." I don't care enough that I'll buy a new one until the whole unit dies, but today as I charged it, I thought about how appropriate the corruption charge is.

The pursuit of personal wealth accumulation is out of control. The Madoff ponzi scheme debacle has bankrupted several foundations which supported organizations that assist low income communities. The executives of investment banks and hedge funds are for the most part still paying themselves fat bonuses for their failures, the bills for which the taxpayers are footing. Perhaps some of this rubbed off on my iPod Shuffle, huh?


  1. Have you tried checking the Apple site? You should be able to restore it to original factory settings, which may get rid of that. You'll lose whatever's on there, but it should get rid of the corruption issue.

  2. I didn't know that was possible. Thanks for the tip - I'll definitely try it. Every time I want to add a song, I have to re-load everything anyway, so I have nothing to lose.

  3. God, it's funny when you think about it. We thought another depression was unlikely because we learned not to sink loads of money into fake stocks. Turns out that was just the trend of the day. Now all kinds of other corrupt, more sophisticated, financial finagling is falling apart at the seams, and we're just suffering the effects in different ways. In other words: same shit, different day.

  4. Yesterday Rowdy and I were talking about the Madoff deal and he said, "There is absolutely no telling how much more shit like this we are going to find out about whenever Chris Cox leaves the SEC and we have a real regulator again."

  5. The Madoff thing has been going on for decades, though I agree with your hubby's sentiment overall.
