Monday, December 22, 2008

'Tis the Season

For Hanukkah last night, Husband gave me this cute sweater dress:

I am surprised and delighted that it fits, and I plan to bring it with me on my trip to California.

More exciting, however, is the mop that I purchased for myself:

It would be even better if my apartment looked as sparkling clean as the home pictured on HSN, but whatever. As I put the mop together, my cousin laughed and told me that it looked phallic as I clenched it between my legs while struggled to slide slot A into slot A. We also had a good chuckle over the "instructions" that came with it:

for fun, try attaching the cloths or mop pad using only your mind. It helps if you squint.

I am disturbingly overjoyed at the prospect of using it tomorrow. Finally, the bottle of floor cleaner that Sara gave me a month ago when I did laundry at her apartment will be put to use!

Happy holidays indeed!


  1. wanna come over to my place when you're done for prospective puppy pre-cleaning?

  2. i"m impressed with your man picking out something so cute that also fits.

    Funny shit on the mop.

  3. The mop is nice, but I don't think it travels so well. Sorry Mar!

    As for the dress, I should've been more specific - he got it for me after I asked for it and specified the size. :) However, he has gotten me some very cute sweaters of his own choosing in the past, so overall (other than jewelry), he does well. He's a good catch, that hubby o' mine.

  4. I wonder how the mop would look in the dress!
