Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Anti-"Sex and the City" Meme

This week's entire Entertainment Weekly is completely dedicated to Sex and the City. While many women whom I hold in high regard absolutely adore that show, I could never bring myself to watch it. (First of all, I didn't have HBO when it was on, so even if I wanted to watch it, that was an obstacle.) I do love the idea that the show revolves around four female friends sharing their lives and supporting one another, but the fashion obsessions revolt me.

Spending $750 on a pair of stiletto heels just seems morally wrong. Not only because I can't fathom throwing away that kind of money on a freaking pair of shoes, but also it would just be more practical for me to pay a hit man $750 to break my ankles than to do so by wearing absurdly uncomfortable and dangerous shoes. The bags, hats, scarves, and whatever else was slavishly fawned over by the press and certain fans - just, ugh.

So, as the Sex and the City Movie comes to theaters near you and there is no escape from its press coverage, I present a meme for feisty, spirited women who share our lives and support one another, yet are also slovenly and/or miserly (or is it practical?):

What's the cheapest pair of shoes you own?: Not counting some flip flops that I bought at a Walgreen's in Florida a few years ago after my regular shoes ate holes in the back of my feet, the cheapest pair of shoes I own are children's Keds that are designed to look like saddle shoes. I think they were $25, which is actually sort of expensive.

What's your favorite piece of jewelry, if you own any?: When I was 16, I bought myself a Venus (the female symbol) from the NOW catalog. I wear it every day, except once in a while when I go to a wedding or something and put on some crappy sparkly necklace that I bought at Claire's Boutique.

What's your favorite t-shirt?: At this point, I have three favorites - my red "I [Heart] Pro-Choice NY" t, my lavender "Bush is a Tush" t, and my high school lacrosse team t-shirt.

If you could wear jeans every day, would you? Yes, except for days when it is the high 60s or low 70s and sunny with a very light breeze when I want to wear a knee-length skirt with tights and my awesome John Fluevog knee high boots.

Do you comb your hair every day? Well, if it happens to look nice when you wake up, why mess with a good good thing?

As with any meme, I can't wait to see how you respond.


  1. Finally, a meme I can get behind. . .

    What's the cheapest pair of shoes you own? I own a pair of black pumps that I bought two years ago at Payless for $9.99 + tax that I still wear at least once a week.

    What's your favorite piece of jewelry, if you own any? Currently, my favorite is a necklace with fake crystals that I bought at a friend's Lia Sophia jewelry party.

    What's your favorite t-shirt? A red one with a design that I bought at Lane Bryant.

    If you could wear jeans every day, would you? No, because I live in central Arizona, where it's too hot for jeans half the year.

    Do you comb your hair every day? No. My hair is curly and will get wild if combed when dry.

  2. This made me laugh! I replied in my personal journal. :D

  3. Sweet. I'll totally do this on my blog.

  4. I've picked up your meme on my own blog.

  5. I never got the shoe or bag thing. I liked the show, but the fashion escaped me. I'm sure I have some shoes (more than one pair) that are not flip-flops and yet were less than $10.

  6. Love it! I'm putting it on my blog, as well.

  7. I don't know if you recall but I believe you once watched about 10 minutes of Sex & The City. Remember when you had just moved into your apartment on W. 72nd? Wow, I can't believe that was 8 years ago. Anyway, I'm wondering if the bitch who lived there before you guys had HBO and that is why we were able to catch some of the show. Well, we soon discovered much more interesting things to watch like the neighbor across the airshaft/non-existent courtyard who appeared to be flipping back and forth between baseball and porn. I remember us peering through the blinds into his window and wondering why any man would fast forward throgh porn because it's not like a plotline gets in the way of the sex.

  8. 1) pink crocs i bought 5 years ago for $19. 2)the wooden cross on a black rope string i got when i converted to catholicism in 2000. 3) pink and white t-shirt i got on Beale street with the fat albert kids hawking memphis blues or the awesome one i got in clarkesdale at the blues museum with a great graphic of robert johnson on the back. 4) absolutely and do unless there's a wedding or a funeral. 5) it's very oily so here in the south i have to wash it everyday or throw a hat on it :)

  9. I couldn't resist this one!

  10. Hi, I just found your blog today. I'm gonna put this in my blog.

  11. What's the cheapest pair of shoes you own?: I have flip flops from the factory in Manila. My friend said they were 3 pair for $1 and they have lasted years. I also have some $9.99 drugstore sandals that are made of a material not found in nature, but are pretty comfy.

    What's your favorite piece of jewelry, if you own any?: I love handmade jewelry. I have these little chips of iridescent glass on a silver chain that are just amazing.

    What's your favorite t-shirt?: A red "Tofuzilla" shirt from the LA Tofu Festival (yes, we have one. Don't you?)

    If you could wear jeans every day, would you? Nah. I do like a dress for church.

    Do you comb your hair every day? Yes, but that is all I do. I saw someone using hairspray the other day and I was like "Hairspray still EXISTS??" I had no idea and no, hairspray has never touched my hair.

  12. Goodness, this is so much fun! Thanks everyone for participating here or on your blogs. I'm loving everyone's responses.

  13. Haha, thanks! But it really will be eventually; I put commissions first, and clothes aren't really that important, right? I didn't have a chance to go to college and get a real job, so I make custom clothes and other crafty things. When people want to design their own prom dress or find something they like but can't get it in their size, they come to me. :D I like it.
    And I love reading this blog. Seriously.

  14. First, Suzanne, I am feeling like absolute shit and it's great to have a moment to look at your stuff and perk up immediately.

    Plus, I nevvuh evvuh could get on the Sex and the City bandwagon, either. I don't have cable but when I did see it I was like so what?

    On to the meme:

    My cheapest shoes are second-hand, of course, and I think they were &10 Mary Jane medium heels from The Garment District in Cambridge. They kill my feet so I usually wear other crap from Payless, that cost nominally more, or the hand-me-downs from friends.

    Fave piece of jewelry: My mother's engagement ring bestowed upon me when my kid was so sick I needed something special. garnets in the shape of an asymmetrical flower, in a beautiful setting, an antique from the French Quarter in New Orleans. Several jewelers have shaken their heads at the lack of its "value."

    Fave t-shirt: Big Kid gave me a "Life is Crap" t-shirt for Mother's Day - parody of "Life is Good." I raised him right.

    Yes of course I would wear jeans every day! Unless it was warm and then I'd wear a dress.

    I rarely comb my hair - that's verboten for curly-haired gals.

    Thanks for writing!

  15. Shoes: A very cute pair of silver flats with embroidery and beads, purchased new on Ebay for ₤7, including shipping

    What's your favorite piece of jewelry, if you own any?: Oh come on, everyone owns at least 1 piece of jewelry. A watch, a plastic bangle, a barrette ;-). For me, I have my grandma’s wedding and engagement ring, engraved from my grandfather, which I love even though the diamonds were all pried out by my uncle’s first wife and several jewelers told me that it’s not fixable. I also have a ring that was my mothers that I believe was made from a spoon handle. I bet she bought it at a thrift shop. And a pin of hers that I used to think was magic. Have me show you next time you are here.

    What's your favorite t-shirt?: A shirt I bought more than 15 years ago with a little line drawing of a boy with little lines above his head that says “Migraine Boy” which I never wear because it is a boy cut shirt and a shirt I bought in NZ that has flowers and birds on it. I love it in part because it is not something I would have thought was “me”.

    If you could wear jeans every day, would you? No. While I generally prefer trousers over dresses, I like to add cords and khakis in to the mix. Plus it’s nice to “get my legs out” (love the British) every so often with a skirt.

    Do you comb your hair every day? I comb my conditioner through in the shower.

  16. What's the cheapest pair of shoes you own?:I bought a pair of designer (my mother and grandmother know the name, I could care less), 3 inch heeled, knee high leather black boots from a thrift store for $3. I love those boots.

    What's your favorite piece of jewelry, if you own any?: I have the world's cheapest plastic necklace that used to be a large pink heart. The color has since faded to clear and it almost looks like a heart (if you ignore the gratuitous cracks and chips).

    What's your favorite t-shirt?:An over sized black shirt that says: "I read banned books @ my public library" in bright red. It's the only thing I ever won in a contest.

    If you could wear jeans every day, would you?: Unless it's hot out. Yet, even then I wear jean shorts.

    Do you comb your hair every day?: Some days more than once, others not at all. It averages out to once a day.

  17. What's the cheapest pair of shoes you own?: Platform sandals for $9.60 from payless

    What's your favorite piece of jewelry, if you own any?: Pair of silver dangly earrings with some sort of grey-black stone in the middle. From Claires.. i've gotten more compliments on these than anything else i've ever worn. and i wear them almost every day.

    What's your favorite t-shirt?:red t-shirt that says "don't bug me" and has a ladybug on it. unfortunately, its gotten smaller and i've gotten bigger, so i can't wear it anymore.

    If you could wear jeans every day, would you?: Yes, its always hot in florida, i wear them whenever i'm not at work.

    Do you comb your hair every day?: does running your fingers thru it when its wet count as combing?

    A really good spoof trailer on the Sex and the City film. Its really funny and is called "sixes and the city". I don't like the real show and this spoof made my day....

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  21. 美容整形に携わる美容ドクター専門プロフサイト 美容の杜美容整形に関するお問い合わせ整形することによって絶対的な美を得られるわけではありません。『自分は変わった』という事実を物理的に確認することで、気にな……
