Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wanted: Opinions - What Would CUSS Readers Do?

As I'm editing the proofs for Off the Beaten (Subway) Track (now also sold at MTV's online store!), I discovered that the publisher set aside a page for a dedication in addition to the acknowledgments that I already submitted. I want to dedicate the book to Husband. What do you think of the following options:

1. To Husband. There's no one like you in the world.


2. To Husband, my favorite unusual attraction.

I think two is clever given that the book is about unusual attractions, but I fear that it could come across as sleazy, weird, or creepy. He sometimes is easily embarrassed, although after being with me for 13 years, his threshold has risen dramatically. The first one thus seems safer, but I hate playing it safe. At the same time, I don't want to do anything that will make him uncomfortable.

I'm not asking Husband which he prefers because I want it to be a surprise. (He never reads CUSS, so I'm not worried about him discovering my plans.) What do you think?


  1. this is a toughie. i think #2 is very appropriate given the subject of the book and i don't think husband will get embarrassed by it. but i agree that the first is safer. if you really think husband will get embarrassed go with the first.

  2. What about combining them?

    To Husband: My favorite unusual attraction - there is no one like you in the world.

    feel free to ignore - I think I've had too much wine tonight. In my defense this evening - more is always better - right? RIGHT?!?@

    BTW - do you still have yor glasses blog? I have such ugly ass early teen glasses pictures for it... :D

    My verification word is Itotic - very close to Idiotic and Ironic. Both pretty much sum up my day.

  3. I went down the same path as hecticmom but I thought:

    To my husband - there's no one like you in the world. You are my favorite unusual attraction.

  4. You know I'm all about combining things, so I was (not) dismayed to know that at least 2 other people are of like mind. He'll love it. I can say this as one of the aforementioned acknowledgments.

  5. No 2. It's too apt to be embarrassing .

  6. #1 has been done before. Do #2.

    Unless you've already done #2 for the day?

  7. i think 1 says 2 in a nicer way

  8. How about :
    To my husband, who is the best at beating it off.

  9. Two for sure. I don't think it would be read as pervy. It's sweet and apropos.

  10. I like #2! Or the combos of #1 and #2.

  11. I like the 2nd one, smart.. cute.... funny!

  12. The 2nd one comes off as inside-jokey and loveable, not sleezy. But the first one is just, who cares?

  13. Thank you everyone for chiming in. Now that the internets have spoken (I should thank you all in the acknowledgments!), I am excited to go with choice #2. (Or a combo, which lets me have it both ways.) Definitely NOT choice #1.

    Incidentally, I think this is the most comments I ever received on a blog post. Plus, lots were from first timers. (Welcome everyone!) Cool.

  14. #2 all the way. No combos. I think it is funny and sleazy didn't come to mind until you mentioned it. I know he gets embarassed about weird things but could he really get that way about #2? Noregrets suggestions was hilarious but I'm pretty sure that would definitely embarass him.
