Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pecans, Almonds, and Pistachios

Things are kind of nuts here right now. (Ha!) Not only is Susanne Reisman still a co-author of Off the Beaten (Subway) Track in some venues (although, thankfully, the freeloader has been dropped from most listings), but now Suzanne Reizman is also on the wait list at New School. We'll see how that goes.


  1. I feel your pain. Nobody ever gets my name right either.

  2. Not only do they spell my name wrong, but it's the wrong sex too... Bryan signing off. ;)

  3. Hooray! I hope you get in. ;-)

  4. Oh my gracious. I do wish the best to both ladies.

    My former last name, O'Brien, was without an apostrophe both at the gym AND in college for my federal loans. I was glad to get rid of the bothersome apostrophe, but my married name ends in "lien", German, but we pronounce it "line," so everyone always wants to spell it "lein," which is really how it should be spelled if we pronounce it "line." I honestly sometimes forget how it's spelled, because I'm a language person and it drives me crazy that my own last name breaks language rules.


    Could you send them a free copy of your book and maybe they'll move you off the list?

  5. Yay! WAIT LIST! At least it is SOME information and it's NOT an outright rejection!

    The bad part? You still have MORE waiting before you know for sure!

    Is another Mars bar in order?

  6. Shouldn't this post's tag be "nutty puns" instead of "cheesy puns"? Ha! Ba dum pum! lol

  7. Congratulations!!! I guess this has been the week of super-exciting news... :)
