Thursday, July 24, 2008

Probably won't be included in the press release...

The always wonderful Denise at Flamingo House Rules wrote a great review of Off the Beaten (Subway) Track that made me laugh my ass off as much as the book made her laugh her ass off.

My favorite line: "The penis jokes in the book - awesome."

Now, if only I could convince the publishing folks to include that in a reviews section on the press release...

(By the way, if anyone is interested in doing a blog book tour, I'm so up for it! Also, I'd forever be grateful if readers could post reviews on their blogs - which I would of course link to - as well as on Amazon. My friend/agent says it is critical to do so.)


  1. You know I will write a review. And I swear it will be fair and unbiased. That is, if B&N ever sends me my damn copy! (I shoulda had one o'the BlogHer ladies send me one!)

  2. if i ever get a copy... my mom said she's going to order one, read it & send it to me. at work! so no one steals this copy, gd it!

  3. I'd love to be on your blog tour!

  4. I will be writing a different type of review for your book (and for Sleep is for the Weak) on Amazon this weekend.

    It's on my to do list. :-)

    If I had known Des didn't even have a copy I certainly would have grabbed another one and sent it.

  5. I'm going to the library tomorrow - I imagine I'll have to order thru interlibrary loan, but I'd be happy to review it when I get it.
