Monday, September 22, 2008

Things I Need Explained to Me

1. How are the events of Sept. 11, 2001 and their aftermath the fault of Democrats when the White House was controlled by a Republican, the House of Representatives were controlled by Republicans, and the Senate was split 50-50? (I ask this because director David Zucker told Entertainment Weekly that he switched parties after 9/11 "due to what he saw as Democratic dithering." Kelsey Grammer goes on to say, "A lot of people don't want to admit that a threat to this country exists." Yes, and that included your stupid fucking President Bush, who then used his ignorance to blame other people for 9/11.)

2. What feed reader is the best to use? (I ask this because I've had nothing but trouble with my lame attempts to get a better handle on my blog reading through the use of feed readers.)

3. Why do conservatives never want to engage in real conversation? (I ask this because I noticed that liberals and moderates comment frequently on the conservative posts at BlogHer, but the conservative posters never reply to posts from liberal or moderate bloggers. OK, I know the answer to this is because they don't like listening to facts and having their worldview challenged. Also, let's face it, I think many of them are just not smart enough to engage in a logical discussion. There. I said it.)

4. Why does it take 7-10 days for a haircut to settle into something decent? (I ask this because I got a haircut on Thursday and I think I look like a dipshit, but this happens every time I get a haircut, and all is well 7-10 days later.)


  1. I use Google Reader. I don't know if it's best because I never tried anything else, but I have no complaints at all and it's got built-in sharing capability which is neat!

  2. I'll also throw in a vote for Google Reader. One very neat feature is that it is searchable, which is really handy when you think to yourself "man, I know I read something about pandas this morning, but I can't remember what it was."

  3. I'm another Google Reader user. :)

  4. I use Bloglines for my "fun to read" blogs and I use Google Reader for my industry blogs. They are about the same in terms of ease of use, but I like that Reader lets me read it chronologically over all blogs instead of blog by blog. They're both a bit slow to load though.

  5. 1. Republicans are stupid.
    2. Google
    3. Because they are stupid and inbred.
    4. I have no idea. Maybe because hair is Republican or conservative and therefore stupid?

    I am super eloquent today. I saw a car that had a "Yes to Prop 8" (I'm in CA) and "McCain/Palin" sticker on it and I wanted to run it over with a tank-with the passengers still inside. Apparently I am also intolerant.

  6. Google Reader it is. Now I just need to figure out how to use it.

    Sam, intolerance of intolerance equals tolerance. it's like multiplying two negatives - you get a positive. :)

  7. I'm a democrat - but I seriously, seriously do not think that 9/11 could be blamed on either party. I think they were out to get American's - and I think that both parties missed the enormity of the threat - which unfortunately makes so sense because there are SO MANY FREAKING THREATS and until then they were all benign! So, I think it was sort of inevitable. But, I know that isn't such a popular opinion.

    I'm a google reader fan too. *shrug* I like that it works great on my iphone. The only thing I don't love is when people don't post their whole post - forcing users to their website. I say, if someone has a good post - click over and give them a comment - that allows those who collect ad-revenue to get some site clicks.

    I have found that the uneducated often like to spout their uneducated opinions without actually listening to a response(leading to no REAL conversation). And they are usually related to me in some fashion and they are from the midwest and south. And they are staunch republicans. And they are crazy. I mean really crazy... (you should hear the shit they tell me.)

    I have the opposite issue with my hair. Usually it looks AWESOME for the first 7-10 days and the grows out just a little too much and looks like ass until my next appointment 5 or 6 weeks later. This is why in all of my pictures I'm wearing a headband or a barrette. My bangs are OUT OF CONTROL!

  8. Ok - and to Sam - I COULDN'T AGREE WITH YOU MORE ON PROP 8!!!

    Did you know - that this prop may take away the rights that gay and lesbians previously had with domestic partnership? Basic rights - like visiting their partners in the hospital.

    I was so excited when gay marriage was made legal this year - this has impact on many of my closest friends. Sorry Suzanne - I guess I made this a hecticmom posting takeover night. :P

  9. The answer to question 2 is Google Reader. Avoid Bloglines with a 10-foot pole; it's known for losing sites' feeds, doing nothing to rectify the situation even when contacted by the bloggers whose sites have thusly been dropped, and claiming it's the fault of the sites' feeds rather than a problem with their service. (When there are umpteen RSS feeders around which are not having problem with said feeds. Yeah.)

    I tried several others between Bloglines and Google Reader. I'm quite satisfied with Reader.

  10. Hey Hectic Mom, I'm not really blaming Republicans, either, except that if there is any party to blame, it should be the one that was in charge. The one in which the President ignored the memo about the threat to the nation because he was one one of his many, many vacations. The one in which the incoming administration refused to meet with the outgoing administration to discuss issues like that since they thought they knew it all. Could it have been prevented? I don't know, but when someone blames the Dems, I am going to remind folks that it was the Republicans in charge when this happened. Not to mention that, had Gore been prez as he was supposed to, I know in my heart of hearts that Republicans would have immediately begun blaming him and the Dems. And that is depressing. As for Prop 8, take it away! Down with Prop 8 and the ballot initiative requiring parental notification when minors seek abortions. Almost all girls already tell a parent. Those who don't usually act that way out of fear for their safety.

    Pork with Bones - You hit the nail right on the head.

  11. I wonder what these past 8 years would have been like if Gore were president. Sigh. If Kelsey Grammar is so concerned about our national security, why doesn't he volunteer?
