Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jane & I

Whenever I get my hair cut, I initially hate it. Then, I wait seven to ten days to see how it turns out. This is my haircut from Nov. 6 (and lipstick!):

I asked a stylish British woman in my literature class where she got her very short hair cut, and then I made an appointment there. When I sat down in Nelson's chair, he said, "Don't worry! I'll give you a very feminine hair cut, not butch at all." Of course, that made me worry. Was he implying that my current (overgrown) cut made me look butch? And why make assurances like that in the first place? I assumed that he didn't plan to make me look butch.

Anyway, when he was done, I thought it was way too short and that I looked dykier than ever. However, my friends from school thought it was very chic. (Although when I saw Steph on Sunday, the first thing she said to me was, "Holy Christ, is your hair short!") I'm still undecided about it. Sometimes it looks great and other times like I am a pointy headed weirdo. It can't be that bad, or a random guy would not have compared me to Jane Weidland Wiedlin last week (updated with picture below).

Whatever the case, I won't need it cut again for a while, and saving money is always a good thing.


  1. Saving money is indeed good.

    Hey look, there's beavers in Britain!


  2. I, for one, think it looks great. I'm not just saying that... you look lovely.

  3. Based on the above photo, I'd say your haircut looks fantastic.

  4. Wow, I thought this was a photo of your 14-year-old brother. I'm just joking.
    I think it looks awesome. Not only do I love short hair on women, but my husband really does. And I mean, he has a thing for woman with hair just like yours is now. I'm just not brave enough to do it. I have a head the size a large pumpkin and I'm pretty for sure ladies with basketball-sized heads aren't suppose to do that 'do.
    I love it. I'm not gonna show Rowdy cause I don't want him coming to your blog to get all hot and bothered.

  5. Thanks ladies.

    My word verification for this is Stench. How awesome is that?

  6. It's Jane Wiedlin. W-I-E-D-L-I-N.
