Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Adventures on Greyhound: 2nd Stop

DeKalb is the home of Northern Illinois University. NIU was one of
the five or six colleges my dad attended before he finally graduated.
(His college career did not, however, prevent him from the draft. He
was called up four times, until some Jewish doctor failied him on a
medical exam. One of his going away parties was the first and last
time my mom got drunk. her hair was super short, which meant her
friend had nothing to hols onto when my mom barfed her guts out,
causing her face to fall in the toilet. But I digress)

Actually, there is not much to say about DeKalb. We stopped in the
parking lot of Luluko's restaurant. No one got off or on. On the way
back to the highway, we drove through cornfilds. I did not observe
any dilapidated barns, something which fascinates my sister and me.
Living in Iowa, she sees them all the time, but I don't get a lot of
them in Manhattan.

Go westn young woman, go west. Moline awaits.

Sent from my mobile device

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Book: www.offthebeatensubwaytrack.com

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