Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Meatloaf Bakery

After consuming an enormous anniversary breakfast at Ann Sather
Restaurant (I ate: a Swedish pancake, Swedish meatball, Swedish potato
sausage, what was supposed to be one egg but was at least two, a
cinnamon roll with extra icing, and a fruit salad, all for less than
$10!), Husband and I wandered around the neighborhood. Our plan was
to walk to Lincoln Park Zoo and rent a paddled boat (not a sea monster
one, though), but that was foiled by construction on the zoo's lagoon.
Before we knew that, we stopped at an army navy store, where I got
two pairs of shoes for 75% off, and a vintage clothes store where
Husband snagged a white tux jacket and ruffle-y shirt.

As we carried our goodies up Clark Street, we noticed a shop across
the street with a sign that read "The Meatloaf Bakery.". We were
compelled to investigate. Turns out it is an eatery where different
types of meatloaf (beef, lentil, etc.) are baked to look like cupcakes
(with mashed potatoes as frosting) and other pastries. I don't think
it was only because we were so full that we wanted to puke. Husband
wondered what diabolical mind would come up with such a disgusting and
evil concept, although I am oddly tempted to some day set foot into
the store and test if the reality is as foul as it sounds.

Updated July 3

You need a picture to understand why this grosses me out:

Meatloaf of various kinds are yummy. Cupcakes are yummy. Meatloaf that looks like a cupcake is creepy because you think you are about to eat a cupcake, but it is really meatloaf. Mind fuck!

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  1. i don't know if i saw it on cakewrecks or somewhere else, but i have seen a meatloaf cake somewhere. no, it wasn't cakewrecks, it was some bizarre how-to of making a meatloaf cake, with mashed potato frosting & either piped on ketchup or ketchup mixed into the potatoes to make it pink. *gag*
    now i have an unnatural fondness for meatloaf (& buffaloaf!), but that just makes me slightly ill.
    and congrats on your great buys & lovely anniversary dinner!

  2. Happy anniversary! Also, have to take exception to the disgustingness of the meatloaf bakery. In New Zealand, they have meat pies, plus something called a potato topped savoury, which is a mini pie-type thing with a pastry crust filled with mince and gravy and topped with mashed potatoes that looks kind of like a lemon meringue pie. Delicious beyond belief.

  3. it wrong I think that sounds delicious? I would totally try one of those meatloaf cupcakes, it would probably make a good and aesthetically interesting dinner. Then again, I have a soft spot for the stuff and must nab my mom's recipe before I head overseas, so I can teach the Irish the wonders of the Loaf! (They don't have it there, I found out.)

  4. I am a vegetarian and even I think the meatloaf cupcakes don't sound disgusting. I would totally try the lentil one.

  5. Seriously, a meatloaf shaped like a cupcake does not look good. Trust me on this.

  6. Okay, well I'll give you that. The picture is not appealing.

  7. Yeah, you should see the "frosted cake" meatloaf...

  8. I find it offensive that you vilify this meatloaf artist in your post after you tell me that you've located the perfect neighborhood for me because of the meatloaf store and other purveyors of various perversions of mine.

  9. No need to be offended - it is still meatloaf, Caribou Coffee, and cards all within a few yards. Perfect, as long as you stay away from the cake-meatloaf.

  10. Believe it or not, there are "cupcakes" made out of far worse foodstuffs than meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I read about them quite a few months ago and told you about them. Unfortunately, I can't remember what they are (perhaps something as nasty as sardines), but it seems like high end bakeries are making them with a modicum of success.
