Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Adventures on Greyhound: First Stop

The first stop on my bus journey is in Aurora, IL. We pass the gaudy
Hollywood Casino. It is like an art deco castle that exploded.

Next to the Aurora Transit Station is Walter Payton's Roundhouse,
which to my great excitement, contains the Walter Payton Museum.
(Payton being the legendary Chicago Bears player who died a few years
ago. The best lines of "The Superbowl Shuffle" are his: "My name is
Sweetness, and I like to dance. Running the ball is like making
romance. (Words I forgot) to give Chicago a Superbowl chance.). Oh, if
only I had time to explore this treasure! I must come back some time.

I do get to use the bathroom in the station, though. This is probably
as important as the museum.

Now onto DeKalb!

Sent from my mobile device

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1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you forgot to mention the most important thing there is to know about Aurora, IL. It's home to Wayne and Garth. Seriously, where are your priorities?
