Saturday, May 6, 2006

Protecting the Innocent and Defenseless

Last night The Explorer (my new name for D.), Husband, and I decided to take advantage of the glorious weather and wander around the East and West Village a bit. As we walked around, The Explorer asked me if I had any childhood obsessions. I mentioned that I wanted to be Jenny Lind (aka the Swedish Nightingale due to her amazing voice) after I read about her in Highlights, The Magazine for Children. I also submitted tons of stories and drawings toHighlights, in vain hope to get something in the magazine.

Other than my love of Highlights, I could not be parted from my beloved Snoopy doll. One night I took him with me to my Bubbe and Grandpa’s apartment in Chicago when my family went there for dinner. As we walked up to the building, we noticed a big hole that was being dug in the small front lawn for sewer repair. Snoopy and I checked it out, and it looked deep, dark, and scary. I held him tighter as we passed.

A few hours and tons of Eastern European Jewish food later, we were on our way home to the ‘burbs. I was tired, so I did not notice that Snoopy was not with me until I was putting my pjs on. I was sure that I had Snoopy with me when I walked out of Bubbe and Grandpa’s. My parents checked the car. He was not there. Hysteria overcame me. Where could he be but the hole? I was convinced that I dropped him on my way out. I pictured him at the bottom of the deep, dank hole, all by himself. It was more than I could bear. (Fortunately back then, I did not know about the presence of plushies, evil people who fuck poor little innocent stuffed animals, so I did not worry that he had fallen into the clutches of a predator. Thank goodness for childhood innocence!) My parents called my Bubbe, who told them that they found Snoopy on the couch. He was safe! I was so happy!

At any rate, thinking about this story made me realize that I should keep a closer eye on Theo. I hope that I did not subject him (or the Giant Stuffed Penis) to any danger by posting pictures of them in my underwear on the internet. Husband will keep watch over him part of the time while I am in Italy, then he is going on a business trip. I think Theo should be safe in our apartment alone, though. Hopefully, the little travel friend (a puppy stuffed animal which is easier to haul around) I am taking with me will be OK in the hotel while I am off sightseeing. It’s a risk I’ll have to take.

1 comment:

  1. Well, yeah, if your husband will there with your precious stuffed loved ones, what harm can come to them? night, your husband has too much to drink and the sight of Theo looks appetizing...
