Saturday, March 17, 2007

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

People are rude asshole idiots in general, so it should not surprise me that one of the most personal questions possible is also one of the ones I am most commonly asked: when are you going to have children? It's a dangerous question. What if I had been trying hard for years to have a kid and nothing worked, including adoption? Do you want me to go into my whole spiel about my dried up prune of a uterus or how I keep losing babies I arrange to adopt? No one likes hearing about diseased uteruses. Nope, people don't want to hear depressing answers. Those are deemed "socially awkward" and I'd be frowned upon for telling the truth and making someone uncomfortable, when really the fuckface who asks should be slapped around for being inconsiderate in asking something so personal.

Of course, while my uterus is a dried up prune, nothing else in the above paragraph happens to be true for me. My answer to this vile question isn't socially awkward (how unusual for me!), but instead upsetting in a way that provokes further inappropriate questions. I tell people that I am not planning on having children.

"What?!?!" is the typical shocked response.

"I just don't want them," I say.

"Why?" the persistent shit insists.

"Because I understand how much time and energy kids require, and I am not willing to sacrifice everything that parents do to meet those needs," I explain, patiently, thinking that this is a very good response and they querier will shut up now. I am often wrong.

"But why not? You'd be such a great mom!" my Inquisitor says with a perplexed smile.

Wow, did this person not just listen to a fucking thing that I said? "Because I am not particularly interested in raising my own child. I do like kids, and I love spending time with my friends' kids, and I can't wait until my sister or brother-in-law has kids, because I know it is going to be great. I also love spending time with kids, then going home, and doing whatever I want. Freedom!"

"Oh," the person's pea brain still cannot fathom that I don't have a biological clock or some innate maternal instinct that makes me want to give up a part of myself (and I am not criticized moms at all – I'm saying that I am far more selfish in a way and I embrace that) to invest in my kiddies.

Every time I am asked when I am going to have kids, I contemplate giving telling them the sob story so that they will feel bad about asking, but I never have. Sometimes I incorporate some of the sob story so that the person will feel embarrassed and stop asking me things. Other times I blather on about how it makes me an especially effective child advocate since I can spend all my time worrying about other people's children instead of my own. (Not that people with kids can't be great advocates because most of the best advocates out there do have kids, but it's not a bad theory.)

"Don't ask, don't tell" may not be a good policy for gays in the military, but it should be adopted as a rule for general conversation.


  1. On your wedding night we had people asking us when we were going to have kids. Given that it was a Russian wedding in Kazakhstan(Peace Corps), they also asked us if my wife was pregant already.

    Almost three years later and we have no kids, yet the questions persist...

    Did you hear that in Washington State Republicans wanted to introduce legislation requiring children after 3 years of marriage or the marriage was void?

  2. That should read "our" wedding night...

  3. well, i have one kid and that is not enough!!!! people are fart stains.

  4. Lynn Harris wrote an excellent piece on this in Salon a while back called "So, why aren't you knocked up yet?" that I thought was right on target and that you might appreciate /. . . .

  5. I think your response should be "because the world has enough assholes like you!"

    Or, "I did have a kid, but she's DEAD." (That is one Craig & I say sometimes - totally caustic bitch.)

    The more proper question should be "do you WANT to have kids" that way you can say no, or yes and you've been trying for years and failing, and thank you for bringing it up, near-complete stranger. (I assume friends don't ask because they know the answer.)

    Sorry, guess I'm in a bad mood today.

  6. People can be such asses! I put that question up there with people who assume that everyone wants to get married.

  7. I, for one, applaud you. I have one kid and another on the way, and I frequently tell me childless friends not to have kids unless they are really sure they want them. Sometimes they look at me all funny and ask if I regret having my boy. I don't, but I also don't think I could have ever fully accepted my new life with kid(s) if it wasn't something I had desired so strongly. I've known people who have had kids because it's what they though they should do, and they're miserable. Kudos to you for having enough sense to know what you want and enough gumption to tell nebby people the truth.

  8. You know I am with you on this one. Some people just won't let it go, either. They go on and on about "You really don't know what love IS until you have a little one." Then they spend the next hour telling me how screwed up their kids are. Go figure.

  9. I think that women still judge women by the state of their marriage and the number of kids a woman has. I think that that is part of the internalized oppression that it's deemed okay by society to throw at women.

    My clients inevitability ask me if I have kids and I want to say "mind your own effen business." I am often discredited at work because my clients think I don't know how to parent because I don't have kids. I've finally been brave enough to tell my clients that working with their kids is the best form of birth control ever! I'm not lying.

  10. Yeah, as someone who routinely gets asked, and who is, after a year, dealing with the idea of infertility, it's pretty fuckin' hurtful. And rude and nosy and none of their goddamn business. I also believe that if you don't want kids, you shouldn't have them. Just because I want to breed doesn't mean I think everyone else should.

  11. I am routinely asked this question and each time I want to bitch slap the asshat that thinks my womb is up for debate.

    I swear I say this in my head more than once a month-
    I had a son, he died. I want more, but have been unsuccessful. My husbands swimmers arent that great and I'm too fat...sooo huh, could you pass the effin ketchup and let's talk about your bi polar wife and crack addict son.

  12. Two questions I never ask people: When are you planning to get married? and When are you planning to have children?

    If I happen to be discussing these things with someone, great,'s none of my business.

    I applaud you on knowing yourself well enough to know that you don't want kids of your own. Children are a beautiful thing, but they are time consuming and you do have to make sacrifices. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying. Also, this way, you get to be "the cool aunt" and do fun, parent defying things and then just turn them back over to their folks and go home. A definte upside.

  13. I think it is great that most of you are choosing to not have children as what I hear is a lot of deep rooted anger and resentment, and you think you are "in touch" women when by the sound of it you are as judgmental as the people you are criticizing for being judgmental. I find it interesting that women who think they are so "liberated" and desire to be considered equal to male counterparts take on not the best characterics of the opposite sex, but in fact the worst characteristics of the male species, in this case rotten mouths and showing their lack of words to describe their angst or frustration. I am sure you are all intelligent and articulate. Think on it awhile. The most incredible men I know don't find the need to swear to express themselves, neither do the great women. Elevate yourselves and you will elevate those around you through your example.

  14. I come here to be elevated by her crass language.

    The people who harangue you about having kids now, will be 10x worse if you ever change your mind and have one. "Ah, well you changed your mind about having a child. When are you having MORE? What do you mean never? Oh, you'll change your mind." And so on.

    I'm not sure why people care so much about other people reproducing.
