Thursday, March 15, 2007


Yesterday I read in The New York Times that while Bush was in Latin America on Tuesday, he promised to bring "social justice" to the region if the people would stop supporting leaders like Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. I couldn't decide whether I should laugh or cry. 'Cause, you know, Latin America needs increasing disparity between the rich and the poor, more religion, and more corrupt government. Bush does like having his tentacles everywhere, though.


  1. But did you read this article, which was my favorite today?

  2. Oh, I got my stickers and I LOVE them. I can't decide where to use them to best effect...

    Thank you!

  3. I just like that you're applying the label "octopus" because he has tendrils.

  4. Count - that was an awesome article. Thanks for the link!

  5. Thanks for noticing, Des! I added the line about tentacles specifically so I could label this "octopus." It is my favorite label!
