Monday, March 19, 2007

An Open Letter to My Nightly Tormentor

Dear Subconscious,

I worry a lot during the day on an impressive range of topics. When I go to sleep at night, I'd like to have a break from my incessant concerns and hand-wringing; a rest, if you will. Generally, that is the point of sleeping.

I am sure that you are only trying to help me resolve lingering issues by plaguing me with distressing dreams, but please stop. I am not particularly interested in rehashing former unpleasant job situations. I quit 6 months ago so that I would not have dreams like this any longer. It is really not cool waking up in the morning, exhausted from work, only to realize that I have yet to begin my day. Yet this has been going on for over a week now.

I trust that this open letter will shame you into doing the right thing and that you will back off a bit tonight. If not, I will have to speak to your boss about your cruel behavior.

Thanks from your tired friend,


  1. remember in one of the glorious Nightmare on Elm Street movies one of the teens brought another into their nightmare to help out with Freddie. I can do that for you as well. So, think of me in your slumber and i will kick some ass. Then, i will draw "zzzz's" and fluffy clouds so you can sleep better.

  2. Hang in there! Stay tough!

    I dunno if that helps, but I'm thinking positive thoughts in your general direction. Sleep tight!

  3. Somebody get that woman some drugs, stat!

    ps - my word verification is vvxpaxpx
    that's a good one.

  4. Please let me know if you sort this one out. I'm also plagued with this - and although sometimes I'm lucky and sort out a problem or two during z-time, I'd much rather have a quiet night of rest, you know, the kind when you wake up refreshed.

    Hope you get a good night's sleep one of these days.
