Saturday, September 1, 2007

Attack of the Penis Head

Pride and dignity should never stand in the way of a good joke, so I will fulfill Alex's request for photographic evidence of my penis head haircut:

To be fair, this actually looks better than it did on Thursday and Friday. Yesterday it was so bad that I kept my little fisherman's cap on all day, which then made it worse by giving me penis head hat head. The problem is a rounded top with bangs and a too long back resembles a circumcised frenulum with shaft. I fear getting arrested for indecent exposure. The good news is that I discovered that if I pull the sides of the top back a little with clippies it reduces the penis head a bit, so I almost look normal. I'll still have Des trim it a bit tomorrow, though.

At any rate, looks clearly dictate behavior, as I once again acted like a massive dickhead yesterday. After writing about how important it is to call ahead when trekking to small, weird museums because websites are not frequently updated, I neglected to do so again. The Big O and I took an hour long subway and bus journey only to be met with a closed door because the director of the Poppenhusen Institute happened to take the day off for a long weekend. The caretaker took pity on us, though, and gave us a quick look around.

I hope when I no longer look like a penis, I'll stop acting like one.


  1. I will definitely do my part to help you stop looking and acting like a penis.

  2. First of all, the haircut is no where near as bad as I imagined. Your post did crack me up though.

  3. You actually look quite darling.

  4. I'm telling you it was MUCH worse on Thursday and Friday. So bad that even Husband commented on it and he never notices these things. I waited too long for the picture.

  5. once again too hard on yourself. i like when we are dickheads together, it is so fun.

  6. I have a yarn hat that I wear in the winter that makes me look like a penis head. Moreso than your hair ever could. I promise to show you in person next time I see you. We could be penis heads together- even though I don't really think you look like a penis.
