Sunday, September 23, 2007

What a Bitch!

Last night before we headed off into our separate la-la-lands of peaceful slumber, I told Husband about my plans for today's post over at BlogHer.

"I was going to write about the Isiah Thomas 'bitch' scandal, but I think I am going to expand the topic a bit to discuss the word bitch in general," I said, considering how I'd open the whole thing with my nickname from Steph. (It's Bee, which is short for "bitch.")

"If anyone called you my bitch, I'd be mad," Husband replied. Pause. "Because everyone knows that you're my cunt."

"Aw, that's so so sweet!" I cried and hugged him.

Ain't love grand?


  1. I said "bitch" about 16 times in my 11th grade class on Friday. We were talking about denotative vs. connotative meanings, and that just happens to be an excellent example.

  2. Meredith Brook's song "Bitch" is one of my faves--describes me SO well. If anyone calls me a bitch, I take it as "She who must not be fucked with" ;)

  3. your hubby cracks me up.

    you guys visit me soon!!

  4. Your story is funny, however if my husband said that to me it wouldn't be!
