Monday, September 3, 2007

The Summer's Over

Technically, summer doesn't end for a few more weeks, but I always think of Labor Day as the social end of summer. Darkness falls sooner, people re-gear up for work, and school gets underway. As usual, I look back and wonder where the hell the summer went.

Now that it's fall, I'm officially freaking out about finishing the book. It is due Nov. 1. I know that it will be done and fine and there's no need to worry. Fall makes everything seem so much more serious, though.

In the meantime, I enjoyed my first weekend of autumn. Friday night, Husband and I watched the Mets roar back from their pathetic five game losing streak. Saturday, we took a semi-private Pilates lesson and found it invigorating. Then we watched the Mets game until I left to join Steph at a scavenger hunt at the Met. Sunday, I ran four miles on the treadmill then a bunch of fine friends came over and watched two Muppets classics - The Muppet Movie and the greatest dramedy of all time, The Great Muppet Caper - and ate ice cream. (I stole the idea for Muppet Sundae from Count Mockula. Brilliant.) Today, Husband and I drove Rebecca up to school in Westchester and then went to the gym and now will watch the Mets game.

Other than my front lower tooth breaking (again!), I can't complain at all. Happy Labor Day.


  1. Ah, summer matters not to those of us that are unemployed and not going to school.

    Though as I was packing, I got excited about my sweaters and mittens and hats (oh my).

  2. I can't wait for the cool weather either. How did you break your teeth and when did you do it before?
