Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pouring Chemicals on Your Legs Is, Like, so Cool!

Feministe reports that Nair admits to marketing to ten year olds. Thank goodness! I was getting worried that the adults in their lives were letting girls get too comfortable with the shaggy, "angry feminist" look. Next thing you know, they might not want hot wax poured into their vulvas and asses because they might find pubic hair weirdly acceptable. I mean, my parents never bothered me about shaving, and look how fucked up I am. In fact, I am so degenerate that I went to the gynecologist today with hairy armpits, hairly legs, and a bushy cooter. If only Nair was marketing to me twenty years ago, I might known that as "a citizen of the world," "a dreamer," and "fresh" person, I am "so not going to have stubs sticking out of my legs." Or arms. Or snatch.


  1. Reason #997 why we still need feminism.

  2. That is so fucked up! I saw this awesome exhibit yesterday at Wellesley College (they were having an event for for alum and students) that you would love on global feminism. Next time you come to visit we should go.

  3. I read a similar article on McDonalds on how they are blatently over marketing to children, even though they say they aren't. Kids as young as 4 think plain white milk tastes better because it's in a McDonald's container.

    It won't matter because they will have eating disorders, breast implants and hairless legs by the time they are 10 anyway.

  4. Are they also shooting up your 8-year-old girls with the HPV vaccine down in the US or is that just Canada? Dirty, nasty, fat, ugly hairy, diseased girls. What else will we have to do to them to keep them in their place once and for all?

  5. They are giving the not-tested-enough HPV vaccine to girls here, but I think they have to be 9. Big difference.

  6. I've been having a lot of "discussions" about this HPV thing and I can't believe how many people are just rushing out to get their daughters injected without another thought, just because the hype is telling them it's the thing to do. It's making me so nuts I did a blog post on it even though HPV vaccines don't have much to do with being an urban pedestrian, except that this one has a daughter.

  7. This makes me sick. We need the sixties back.

    I would fall in love with you if you weren't already married. Love unshaved women.
