Sunday, September 9, 2007

Britney Spears Makes Me Cringe

Wow, I've never seen anyone so unenthusiastic at her own comeback. I'd feel sorry for her, as it can't be easy living under all the constant, relentless, glaring scrutiny, but at the same time, there are people in the world who will work hard all their lives and never see a fraction of the income she's made. Retiring gracefully is a skill she should be taught. OK, it's too late for "gracefully..."

(I had an embedded video of her performance, but it appears to have been yanked. Surf around and I'm sure you'll find it on the net, but why get depressed over that when you can think about global warming or the Bush administration? Oh - because neither of those topics have horrific weave. Right. Same reason I am all over this shit.)


  1. that was so fucking terrible! but, you gotta love sarah silverman. she is so funny! she nailed her. what was worse, the outfit or the performance?

  2. The performance was way worse. The outfit was nothing we haven't seen her or a zillion other "performers" of her ilk wear before, which was a little disappointing. But the performance was just painfully bad. I saw it online (got home from my book club late and Husband was watching the Giants game on TV), so I only read Silverman's joke this morning. I agree, Dianne. She is hilarious.

  3. Brit Twit can always move to Europe and become popular there...hell, it worked for Hasselhoff...let them deal with her.

    I'd like to see a comeback show staring the two of them. That would be prima-dima entertainment, there. *cough*

  4. Seems like she need some more time to perform...whatever she has gone through is not that easy to get over..

  5. I'm totally going to have to have to find the video. Obviously I missed it. I didn't want to watch it, but know that everyone's talking about it I'll have to see if I can find it.
