Thursday, October 18, 2007

2 Years of CUSS!

With all the excitement that is going on these days with the book, applying to writing programs, and the imminent arrival of my family for Brother-in-Law's nuptials, I nearly forgot that today is the two year anniversary of the Campaign for Unshaved Snatch (CUSS) & Other Rants. Two years ago today, I was a frustrated, dissatisfied do-gooder on the way to meet another do-gooder friend for French onion soup. My day had been particularly distressing, as was often the case with my former career, and I found myself sitting on the subway seething over an ad for bikini waxing. Moments later, I formulated a plan: instead of stabbing people, I needed a blog to vent, and it needed a catchy title. Somehow the whole CUSS acronym popped into my feral mind and I knew that I found a way to salvation.

I disembarked from the subway and ran to tell my friend about it. The bar we were meeting at gave crayons to patrons (how perfect is that?) and I drew a little diagram on my placemat outlining the CUSS credo. When I got home a few hours later, I posted my very first blog entry.

Since then, I've loosened my no-waxed/shaved-snatch stance a bit because I met so many awesome women who explained to me why they preferred trimming, waxing, or shaving their cooters. None of them did it because some cretins think that pubic hair automatically makes women dirty or smelly, so who the hell was I to tell them how to deal with their boxes? Understanding other people - this is what I consider progress. I'm glad that CUSS opened me up to new ideas, not only about landing strips, but on a wide spread (heh heh) range of topics. It led me to meet so many awesome people who I am proud to call friends.

Now I'm getting all choked up. The truth is that I'd probably blog whether people read my blog or not because I discovered that I find writing to be fun and therapeutic. However, it would be far less meaningful if it wasn't for the select segment of the blogging community in which I've become a part. Here's to the next two years.


  1. Happy 2 year anniversary!!! I have learned so many things about snatch waxing from you. Maybe that sounds a little weird.

  2. Well dang me, woman, I am sure glad you decided to start blogging. Here's to 20 more years.

  3. Happy anniversary!

    I hope you know what an excellent blogging role model you are, and that you're overwhelmed by the awesome responsibility.

    Nah...just kidding. :-)

    But it's a flat-out pleasure to read you, even if I can't figure out what you guys do for a living that makes it possible to take TWO cool vacations in the same year.

    Oh...and I think it may be my one year blogoversary soon. Stop by for cake!

  4. Happy anniversary!
    I too am glad that you started blogging, though the stabbing of people would also have been funny. I wouldn't have met you that way, though.

  5. well, i am also very lucky to hear your rants in real life. seriously, some of my most favorite moments involve your rants. since i don't see you nearly enough, your blog gives me a daily Suzanne fix. i love you, and am so proud you are following this journey. go book!

  6. Hey Ev - My husband works in private equity. His company deals with a lot of European investors, so he travels to "the Continent" a lot. Sometimes I tag along with him (like Italy this summer). Even if I don't go, he flies biz class and racks up enormous numbers of frequent flier miles and hotel points, which lets us travel at low (or no) cost for fun. Plus, it doesn't hurt that he's compensated pretty well so that once we get somewhere, I can actually spend some money to see and do things. So that's how I get to travel a lot. Without him, none of this would be possible for someone like me who worked at non-profits helping low income families. (My last job, which I quit in Oct. 06 after turning part-time in Jan 06 because it was so miserable and I wanted to work on my book project anyway, also led me to get some good consulting gigs. All roads led to lots of flexibility in my schedule, enabling me to take advantage of travel opportunities.)

    Thanks Ev, Suebob, Alex, Dianne, and Des! I am glad that I have the opportunity to entertain (and enlighten, which is hilarious) my friends.

    You all rock.

  7. A very happy 2 to you and may there be many more.

  8. Happy anniversary! I love reading your blog. It usually makes me a.) chuckle or b.) think. Sometimes both.

    I totally missed my blog anniversary. It was the beginning of October.

  9. Happy blogging anniversary! I guess the keyboard is mightier than the stabby knife...or something like that.

  10. Happy number 2. You really are a great blogger role model which is why your legions of fans bow at the virtual CUSS altar. You always have something witty and thought provoking to say and I always look forwarding to checking in

  11. Happy #2 to You!

    And many more, eh.


  12. Happy Blogiversary! Glad you've got the blog, because that's how I met you!

  13. happy 2nd blogday! love reading it, especially now that i live far away... how else would i keep up w/ your life daily?

  14. Happy Blog Anniversary, Suzanne! I found your site through your BlogHer blog about a year ago when I was still pretty new to blogging. Here's to many, many more.

  15. Tee hee... happy #2. ;)

    I haven't been over in a while, but I'm always happy with what I am able to read when I do get over here!

    To many more years of Blogging!!!

  16. Happy anniversary, Suz. Although your blogs make me cringe occasionally, they are certain to make me laugh. Keep up the ranting. Love you!

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