Saturday, October 27, 2007

Waxes Snatch: Good for Public Health?

Since launching CUSS, I have learned many interesting things about snatch waxing. None of them have convinced me that letting a salon worker pour molten wax into my cooter so that she can rip out my pubic hair is a good idea, although I at least have some understand about why other intelligent women willingly subject themselves to such barbarism. Now, thanks to the delightful Average Jane, I finally discovered an important social benefit to hairless poon and furless cock.

It turns out that in the Netherlands, pubic lice (aka crabs) are in high demand by the Rotterdam Natural History Museum, which cannot find a specimen to include in their collection. A study in Leeds, England, noted that the rate of crab transmission has decreased dramatically even as other STDs have remained stagnant or risen. Why? Supposedly, waxing is killing the critters by denying them a home. Huh.

When Average Jane sent me the link, she noted that this is, "Still not enough reason to wax if you ask me..." and I completely agree. Sure it is reducing a nasty pest, but if this is why one shaves our waxes their pubes, then the logical conclusion would also be to shave our wax your other head to prevent the transmission of head lice. Probably not a very appealing idea to most people.


  1. I still think waxing is barbaric as hell.

    My favorite billboard of all time: "Surprise her with crabs!"

  2. Just like with head lice, if you are well-groomed and with good hygiene, you can avoid crabs. And doesn't the pain of waxing outweigh the discomfort of crabs? For me it does, though I've never experienced either.

  3. Yeah, I'm just gonna go with my previous practice of not having sex with people with crabs.

  4. I kind of got into it with someone on a message board a few years ago about shaving, waxing, and ew...gross! Hair!. I'm shocked by how many women believe hair is dirty because, well, it's hair.

    There are ways of preventing crabs (like not having sex with people who have them); ripping your pubic hair out shouldn't be one of them.

  5. OK - I've just come home from having my snatch waxed. It has been over a year since I had it done (knee problems) abd I am SO glad I went!

    It is a wonderful clean feeling when it is done. Yeah, sure it hurts a bit, but it takes less than 30 minutes to have it done.

    And, as an added bonus! My husband will do ANYTHING I ask him to do now! Wax that snatch and watch them be reduced to pudding!

    I do it for myself - and I will continue to do so for years to come!
