Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Magic Number is 92

My cold is 92% over. When I finally printed a clean list of all the places that are included in the book, I realized that I miscounted how many there were. (Too many side notes all over the sheets threw me off.) There are 100 sites (how coincidentally round!) and as of yesterday, I wrote about 92 of them. I can take the afternoon off with a clean conscience.

My friend Hanah is in town for her brother's wedding. We have been friends since 1990 (not a 92, but close), although we've lived in the same place for only four of those years. Last night as I thought about our friendship, I cracked up as I recalled writing letters to her during my English class while I was a high school senior and she was a freshman in college. Letters! Who writes letters these days? I could not wait to go to college myself and get one of those new-fangled "e-mail" accounts. Given my reliance on email now, those days seem like 92 light-years ago.

This afternoon, Hanah and I plan to wander around the city and sample chocolate, then have tea. How civilized. I can't wait to see her.

1 comment:

  1. I think I am going to take up the lost art of letter writing. I know enough people that live far away. But will they write back?
