Thursday, October 11, 2007

What Does "Sweet Romance" Smell Like, Anyway?

Recently when I spoke to my friend Steph on the phone, she repeatedly referred to someone who pissed her off as a douche bag.

"What scent of douche is he?" I asked.

"Hmmmm..." Steph pondered.

"I bet he is licorice," I answered, laughing hysterically because I cannot imagine anything more ridiculous than licorice scented douche. Then I realized that I actually have no idea what scents douches come in, so I decided that some research was in order.

A search for "douche" on yielded the following:

  • Vinegar and Water

  • Fresh Baby Powder

  • Tropical Rain

  • Island Splash

  • Sweet Romance

  • Seriously. Not only is douche horribly unhealthy to use, but women want to smell like "Island Splash?" Do women who douche (and the people who love them) take a deep whiff and think, "Ah, nothing smells as good as Sweet Romance snatch?" And I suspect that even my friends who like waxing off all their pubic hair and going bare would be creeped out at the idea of a hairless poon that smells like baby powder.

    What is the world coming to when a lady can make her cooter smell like tropical rain, but not licorice? Yeesh.


    1. Men's deodorants are always called "active sport" or something. Is it men that like that smell, or women? And so why don't douches sell like that if that's what the people like?

    2. Exactly super des -- if they're going to douche to smell non-female for their loverboys, why not at least make it smell like something men like the smell of, such as axel grease, chili dogs or their own farts?

      This is just awesomeness.

      Seriously...nothing gets me happier than the smell of lasagna or pizza...there you go. Pizza Cooter. If one has to douche, they could at least hook one up with that aromatic scent.

    4. You are all hilarious. Pizza and lasagna are good. We should write to Massengill and let them know what the consumers want. I nominate chocolate chip cookie.

    5. I have always maintained that if women are douching because they want to smell "good" for their men - and want the men to enthusiastically eat the cooch - then douche should should smell like pretzels and BEER!

      Personally, when interviewing new men, I want their favorite food to be sushi. Cuz I don't care what anyone says - a clean healthy snatch tastes like fresh oysters.

    6. That is just so disturbing. Baby powder?
