Thursday, January 31, 2008

Decisions Made for Me are Sometimes Appreciated

The debate over who I would vote for in the primary raged within me for months. John Edwards represented the liberal policies that I cherish, but Barak Obama seemed like a person who had some good ideas coupled with a lot of inspiration. If Edwards won, I'd have to listen to that drawl all the time. (Sorry, I know that is a horrid thing to feel, but I can't help it.) If Obama won, I feared he would not stand up to the evil partisanship that has been going on for the last few years. (Witness: Democrats in Congress not telling Bush to fuck off on Iraq or the stupid rebates that are not going to help the economy at all, then beaming about achieving things through "bipartisan" action.) What should I do on Tuesday in the voting booth?

When John Edwards dropped out of the race yesterday, it made me sad. I was also relieved that I now have a candidate I can fully support. Go Obama! I'm counting on you to really represent the people, not make ridiculous compromises on policy, and bring respect and hope back to the United States. Don't let me down.

Husband is convinced that Obama will pick a female Democratic governor as his running mate. That would be extremely cool, and I think could galvanize a lot of people. What do you think about the idea?*

*Especially Average Jane, who I think lives in a state with a female Democrat governor, and Des, who just moved to a state with a female Dem gov, SJ, and anyone reading CUSS who lives in Arizona, I'm curious what your experience with these leaders has been.


  1. I just discovered that MI has a female governor about 2 days ago. That means I've gone about 80% of my time living here without knowing this.
    So, my experience is based solely on the fact that I smiled when I saw the enlightening press conference.
    Smiling is good, so I wholeheartedly support Husband's conviction.

  2. It depends. Where does Obama stand on unshaved snatch? Maybe you could be the running mate. Maybe that's why they asked you for headshots.

    Sorry. I couldn't resist. We don't have a governer here, we have a "Governater". So, I should keep mum.

  3. My governor was mocked on the Daily Show Monday night for her frighteningly wooden State of the Union response, so let's hope she gets a little more TV-friendly first.

  4. I'm crossing my fingers that he doesn't pick Oprah...

  5. What I see is a sad state of affairs and Republicans back in office in '08. I don't see the nation as a whole electing either a black or woman to the Oval Office. Personally, I would love to see someone other that the current men's club members elected. Hillary isn't the woman I would have picked to represent me. I don't see Hillary stopping the nonsense in Iraq, but continuing the mess on one pretense after another such as King George II is doing now. I didn't like the little stunt she pulled of buying a house in New York just to get a seat in Congress. Dole pulled a similar trick here in NC.

    It isn't enough to elect someone who will continue with the status quo, we need someone willing to stand up and let the people know the truths of what has happened in the last seven, going into eight, years. We need someone willing to speak out and start UNDOING the damage that the little monkey in the White House has done. I think of the current slate of candidates, Edwards was the best hope of reversing the damage. One of the most important will be removing the Patriot Act. That one bill alone did so much damage to our rights in the US that it is crucial that it be removed.

    I guess I have ranted long enough. Once started, I could gone on for hours because King George II has really screwed us since he gained the throne.

  6. Oh, the best hope for Democrats to regain the White House would be for Obama and Hillary to be on the ticket together regardless of which one wins the nomination. If they don't, then Democratic votes will be split between the winner and independents that show up on the ticket; such as happened many times in the past.

    Democrats need to get their act together and start working as a team to win.

  7. I pray Barack Obama is chosen for the Democratic choice. I wouldn't care if a monkey was his running mate. Cheney is a crimal so how much worse can it be really? I just want the whole lot of 'em the hell out of there!

  8. I think Obama will pick an older white man with international experience as his running mate. . . .

  9. it broke my heart. i don't think a barack/hilary ticket could win and i don't think they could get along well enough to even run. they'd be fighting about who was going to be on top all the time. i'm just sad because i see another 4-8 years of republican idiocy!

  10. I wish Obama would pick Edwards as his running mate. I felt much the same -- I agreed more with Edwards, but now that he's out, my decision is easier.

  11. I live in a state where my 2 senators are women - one good (Boxer), one moderately evil (Dianne Feinstein). Both good politicians, though. I don't really think its about what you have in your pants. Men and women have both proven that they can be real bastards (see Margaret Thatcher and Madalyn "Dead kids are fine by me" Albright).

    I would love to see Edwards as Obama's running mate.

  12. Since you doesn't seem to make much a difference at all. Gregoire is pretty liberal friendly most of the time, but all talk about gay rights goes out the window in an election year, because though the state is technically blue, Seattle is a blue island in a big red sea. I would not want to be the boss of this divided state.

    Re-elect Al Gore! (Sorry.)

  13. I'd love an Obama/Edwards ticket but last night's debate looked an awful lot like a ticket.

    I don't like Hillary. At all. She's very conservative - for all intents and purposes she is a Republican.
