Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Alex!

Today is my friend Alex Elliot's birthday. She's 32, just like little old me. Go over over to Formula Fed & Flexible Parenting, virtually have a piece of the Little Mermaid birthday cake that her older son picked out for her, and wish her a good one.

On Alex's birthday, I learned the following lesson: Do not go bra shopping after an eye doctor appointment when your eyes are dilated. It's really hard to read the little number on the bra tag to figure out what size you are holding. I was standing around the sales bins at Victoria Secret, holding the damn undergarments in my face and feeling the surface area of the cups of the bras I picked up in an effort to decide whether or not it might fit. Not cool.


  1. You went shopping at Victoria's Secret??

    Oh, the shame of it.

  2. They are having a bra sale, and I need a new bra. Trying to save some pence! Didn't find anything, though.

  3. I went to a fancy lingerie store and the old Swartz's -ish ladies helped me find the right size by only having one out on display and they would go get you what you needed. That was how I want to do all my shopping now.

  4. That's Hilarious! 'scuse me ma'am. Why are you smelling and fondling the bras?

  5. That is so funny! When I was a kid THE place to buy your pj's was Victoria's Secrets. It wasn't quite so raunchy back then.

    Well I had been recovering from pneumonia so my mom took me in to buy me some new pjs and cheer me up.

    The only problem was that my drug loving doctor (bless his heart) had writting me a giant presrcription for vicodin to help with the chest pain. Spaced out on vicodin I decided to put bandaids all over my face on all my zits.

    I'm pretty sure the saleslady thought I was retarded.

  6. Thanks, Suzanne! You're a fantastic friend!
