Thursday, January 10, 2008

Deliciously Stupid

Because I was told at the end of 2006 that I have a slightly elevated insulin level that at some point could lead to diabetes if I am not careful now, I'm again trying to lower my carb intake. (I didn't do a very good job of this most of last year.) This means eating more animal flesh products than I used to. I like animal flesh products for the most part, although my mysterious digestive ailment often does not approve of the higher levels of fat many meats have over, say, cereal, so this is one reason among many that I failed to make drastic changes in my diet last year.

Anyway, I bought some low fat apple chicken breakfast sausage for lunch. As I opened the package and read the preparation instructions, it struck me as odd that one serving is three sausages, but microwave heating directions were provided for two, four, six, or eight sausages. And we wonder why Americans have trouble with portion control? Sigh.


  1. I have a craving for meat - fried, baked, grilled - probably more than the normal person. Today I passed a McDonald's and a sign out front said Sausage McGriddles $1.00!

    I practically did a U-Turn in the middle of the road.

    I enjoyed your youth pictures! (I mean that in clean wholesome way).

  2. Ah, your comments on portion control and serving sizes are so appropriate based on our conversation earlier. I would just like to point out that while I agree with your assessment that cooking instructions and serving size don't match, I rarely find a problem with serving sizes on any type of packaged food because I just tend to eat the entire thing at ones sitting. Serving sizes are generally ludicrous anyway since they are always somthing like 12 pototo chips equals one serving. Well, then I'll have 47 servings please.

  3. Thanks, Eddie. I didn't interpret your complements in any other way.

    Steph: we shall feast when you come stay with me for MLK, Jr. weekend. Mmmm...

  4. they aren't alfresco, are they? so good! i got samples of them about 6 months ago for a survey study. we've been feasting on apple chicken breakfast sausages (& french toast) as often as we can on weekends. yum!
    and ugh for the pre-diabetic sortof diagnosis.

  5. No, it's called Applegate Farms and they're frozen. Tasty enough, but I'll going to follow up on your recommendation and look for alfresco. Yum!

  6. OMG! You are SO right!!!! I'm trying to lose a few pounds so I have been keenly aware of portion size. I got these weird single serve cups of pickles. Super cool because they are 0 calories and 0 fat and just a fine little snack. But, I was looking on the nutrition information and there are TWO servings in each single serving cup. Each cup may have 20 baby pickles and a serving is 12 pickles. Why would they do that??!! What is it for a whole single serve cup 1 calorie? So completely weird. I think they do it just to screw with us.
