Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'll Talk Politics Closer to Super Tuesday

Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire primary - I say bah! Nothing against the fine citizens of those states, but since the often don't represent what the rest of this country looks like, I refuse to get my knickers in a bunch over their electoral preferences at this point. This whole way of deciding who runs for the highest office in the land is bunk. Let's chat about it as more people across the nation step up to make their voices heard.*

*As I type this, Husband is on the phone with Alex's husband, insisting, "I told you that Bill Richardson is going to come back. He.Is.On.Fire!" I adore his optimism.


  1. God bless you. In Iowa, something short of 200k Dems voted. There are more than 200k Dems in MY COUNTY.

  2. i'm still a fan of richardson, even with his 2% in the caucus

  3. Ummm - you mean the Bill Richardson that just withdrew from the presidential race? On fire indeed...

  4. No candidate should ever want Husband to support him during the primary. Ever. If Husband supports a candidate during the primary, they are bound to be a 4th runner at best and withdraw. Husband is well aware of this, but can't help himself. (He was, of course, kidding when he said that Richardson was on fire.)
