Saturday, February 2, 2008

Appropriately Uncouth

When I called the unsurance company's intermediary a few days ago to supply them with the information they needed to reconsider approving a bilateral breast MRI, I was sitting on the porcelain throne taking an enormous dump. I figured it perfectly expressed my feelings on the matter, even if the woman on the other end (who actually wound up being very nice) had no idea what I was up to. It turns out that only my doctor can tell them what age I was at my first period, how I was at my first birth, what my ethnicity is, and what my prior pathology reports have concluded. Seems a lay person is not knowledgeable about these things about herself.

Since my doctor is an asshole who won't take five minutes to call it in, I am shit out of luck. See? The whole situation stinks.


  1. That's nuts. Your doctor only knows what age your period started because you told him. Unless he had some weird practice of having to verify for himself that his patients were indeed having their first periods. How terrifying would that be?!

  2. Here, you can read this post:
    Let's have a gross-out!

  3. Just to see if your head spins re: unsurance companies:,0,4319662.story
